Chapter 2 - First Day of School Pt. 2

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TW: Swearing, fighting


Chapter 2

September 1, Monday

Nathaniel's POV

It was the first day of school today at Michigan Academy. I, in fact, kind of like school, so I was sort of excited for today; not because I'm smart or anything, I just like the atmosphere or whatnot.

I was standing by my locker when suddenly the school doors opened, which led to me snapping my head in that direction.

My eyes landed on the girl I hate the most, Maeva Renolds. I absolutely hated her; she was my mortal enemy, as they say. I've hated her since the first grade.

There really wasn't any true motive as to why we have this seeming feud going on, but one thing led to another-- chasing around in the playground turning into useless bickering-- and now we happen to be enemies. But then again, I never wanted us to be enemies.

Though, as much as I dislike her, I have to admit, she definitely glowed up this summer.

"Oh look who's back! The nerd of the school." I insulted, leaning against my closed locker door. They all frowned until that Sienna girl spoke up. "Well your momma so fat, when she goes camping, the bears have to hide their food." I furrowed my eyebrows at her completely unrelated comeback. The other two looked to their left, squinting their eyes at their friend. "What? It was funny!"

I rolled my eyes at them as I pushed myself off of the locker, walking closer to them. Renolds crossed her arms over her chest and her other friend walked forward. Miller put an arm on Anderson's shoulder, stopping her from doing anything that could get her in trouble.

"Wow. You really need your little friend here to help defend you?" I chuckled, shaking my head. Now Anderson's face is fuming red with anger and took a big step towards me, punching me straight in the face. I jerked backwords, holding my now bleeding nose and leaving them before it could escalate further. I swear to god that bitch is crazy!

Sienna's POV

Kathrin punched someone on the first day of school, again! I started ranting about how she is going to get in a lot of trouble if she keeps doing stunts like this, to which she only responded with nodding and humming, completely ignoring everything I've said.

I don't care if she heard me or not, it has to be said. Her life at home isn't the best, if her teachers or more importantly, her dad, finds out about her fights, God knows what would happen. It could ruin her everything!

Usually Maeva would laugh at me being all mother-like around Kathrin, but she didn't. Didn't even crack up a smile. I chose to ignore this and keep walking to our lockers, which are next to each other because I specifically requested the teachers to put our lockers next to each other so we can gossip on the way. Perks of being a teacher's pet.

Maeva's POV

It was only the first day and a lot has already happened. My goal this year was to try and not be a part of a lot of drama; it is a bunch of work not knowing when someone is just going to pop out of nowhere and try to argue with you, specifically Stone. It is a very tiring job. I just want to know about the drama, not be in it.

But speaking of Stone, he definitely got fitter, even hotter, over the summer. Like, what the hell happened? He definitely started working out, that's for sure, and he-- no, stop it. I can't think of him like that.

"Maevaaaa. Maeva? Maeva!" I saw Kathrin snap her fingers in front of my eyes, I flinched slightly, snapping out of my daze, then glaring at her. "What?" I asked, clearly annoyed. "You zoned out, are you ok?" Sienna worriedly questioned, looking at me with soft eyes. "Y-- yeah. I'm fine." I nodded in response, my eyes faltering downwards.

"Oh my God, are you thinking of a guy?" The girl with lighter brown hair quizzed, while jokingly clapping her hands. That led to me rolling my eyes at her stupidity, shoving my bag into the locker and slamming it shut. I looked to my left, eyes landing on the girl with black hair and highlights. "So, what class do you have?"

Sienna quickly shuffled through her furry tote bag, taking out a folder that had her schedule inside. "Why are you always so prepared?" Kathrin teased as Sienna scoffed, feeling slightly irritated. "Better be over-prepared than under." The black haired girl mumbled, looking at her schedule.

"Either way, we're starting with A block, obviously. I have... music." She then looked up with hopeful eyes, wanting us to tell her what classes we have. "Dang. I have science." I responded.

Both of us then looked straight at Kathrin, who was reading the words that were written on her arm. "How many times have I told you to stop drawing on your arm! You can get skin infections! You already have eczema--" The girl wearing the yellow-ish green dress scolded. "Stop drawing on your arm! You can get skin infections!" The other girl wearing baggy clothes spoke in a high pitched voice, mocking Sienna.

I chuckled at this interaction. "And... block A! I have... music as well." She gave me a sympathetic smile as I groaned.

Time skip

"Hello class, my name is Claire Smith, but you can just call me Ms. Smith. And since it's the first day, we'll just do some get-to-know-each-other activities." The blonde teacher stated, scribbling her name with a felt tip pen onto the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. "So, before we continue, I would like to first say I have made seating plans." The whole class groaned in irritation. "Quiet down! Quiet down!" Ms. Smith hushed and the class did as they were told.

"My eleventh grade class last year chose their own seats, which only resulted in them not doing any work. I need to be able to trust you for you to choose your seats. Ok, anyways-- Vivian and James, Jessica and Charles, Heather and Mandy..."

I listened closely to the teacher, but one phrase kept repeating in my head. 'Please don't be with Nate!' I even crossed my fingers, hoping I won't have to sit next to him for the rest of the year, since he was in my class (walking in late, as per usual).

"...Maeva and Nathaniel..." I widened my eyes and muttered 'shit' under my breath, then looked up. My chocolate brown eyes landed on his sea blue ones. My eyes quickly flickered to his lips to notice the smirk plastered on his face.

"Off you go to your partners!" The class then all grabbed their books and pencil cases and walked up to the person they were paired up to sit next to. I noticed that he wasn't moving, so I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff and walked to sit beside him.

"Hello darling," I gave him a death stare and scoffed at the pet name, which was obviously said to taunt me. "Don't call me darling." I hissed while he leaned closer to me. "I can call you whatever I want. It's a free country." I furrowed my eyebrows, already done with him. How am I supposed to survive the rest of the year?


1233 words (edited)

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