Chapter 43 - Prom Pt. 1

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Italics is flashback


TW: Swearing


Chapter 43

June 30, Tuesday

Maeva's POV

I have been looking forward to today since primary school! I finally get to go to prom! Oh my God, I can't wait! Nate gave me a super cute promposal, it was amazing.

I just came home from a shopping day with Sienna. Not just any shopping day, a prom dress shopping day. It was pretty late at night, so I took a shower immediately after I got home. I changed into my pyjamas, which was just this white shirt with a cartoon on it and light blue pyjama shorts. I did my night routine and went to bed.

Though I was extremely tired, I still laid wide awake, staring at my ceiling. Prom was in two days and Nate still hasn't asked me to be his date. I mean, Dylan already asked Sienna. Does Nate not want to go with me? Maybe he didn't completely mean what he said on my birthday. Does he not like me anymore?

My thoughts were interrupted by a clunking sound on my window. I didn't go check the first time because I thought it was just a bird or something. But after a few more times, I stood up from my bed and opened my window.

I looked down to notice my blonde boyfriend with a bunch of pebbles held in his left hand, while his right one was about to throw one of the pebbles. "Ow!" I shrieked at the pebble that just hit my face. "Oops. Sorry." He apologised, quiet enough to not wake the neighbours, but loud enough for me to hear.

"What do you want?" I asked in a complaining voice. "You." He replied simply. I widened my eyes, thinking of the wrong thing the first time. "Oh no, no, no, I didn't mean it like that--" Nate stammered, face masked with shock.

I giggled, seeing his reaction. "I mean, I want you to come down." He then explained slowly "Why?" I quizzed, furrowing my eyebrows afterwards. "Just do it!" He exclaimed, leading to me rolling my eyes, grabbing a jacket and sprinting down the stairs silently, making sure not to wake up my mom.

I scurried to the side of the house to meet with the blonde boy. "So are you going to tell me why you need me here at eleven o'clock at night?" I questioned, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Well..." He paused himself to get a gift, which was shockingly well wrapped, off of the ground. It had blue wrapping paper with a navy blue star bow.

He walked behind me, but honestly I probably wouldn't have noticed due to the amount of attention I was paying on the gift. I unwrapped it, revealing a box that said 'Krispy Kreme Doughnuts' on the front of it. I knitted my eyebrows together.

"You got me donuts?" I heard a scoff. "Just open it." Nate demanded annoyed, leading to me huffing and opening the box. I revealed twelve donuts and on the lid of the box wrote: 'I donut want to go to prom with anyone else.'

I laughed slightly at the stupid pun, but after a few seconds, my smile faltered from realisation. I swiftly turned around to reveal the blonde boy down on one knee. "Maeva Renolds, would you make me the happiest man alive and go to prom with me?" He spoke, a playful tone in his voice while he held a ring with a donut that had 'white frosting' and 'rainbow sprinkles' on top.

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