Chapter 3 - First Day of School Pt. 3

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TW:  Non-consensual touching, smoking, underage drinking, swearing

Chapter 3

September 1, Monday

Maeva's POV

Today was quite... simple. It was just a normal day. I mean nothing super dramatic really happens on the first day anyways.

Either way, we have seven different classes in total. After science class, I went to my B block, which was English. I had it with Sienna. Next was C block, social studies. Kathrin had it as well, but she kind of... sucks at it. A lot. It is the only subject she isn't good at. I had to explain to her what the teacher was saying half of the time because she had no clue what he was talking about.

Then it was D block. D block is gym. I had it with both of my friends, so that was great. Since it was only the first day, the teacher allowed us to play dodgeball. In the movies and books, everyone hates dodgeball, but I don't get it. I really like dodgeball, and so does everyone else.

The only bad thing, however, is how competitive Kathrin is. She kept on aggressively aiming the ball at Nate, and him being competitive himself as well, would not stop until he got one of us out. I swear to God, the both of them are going to get everyone killed someday.

Afterwards was lunch, but nothing interesting ever happens then, and lastly, I had a free block, which both Sienna and Kathrin also had. School ended and all three of us hung out, like we usually do after school.

Kathrin signed up for a bunch of co-curricular activities just to use it as an excuse to not go home. She joins them once in a while, but rarely ever. Even after telling her multiple times not to do so, I gave up since she never listens. But in a way, it is a good idea.

Now it's currently around six thirty pm. I usually eat dinner at this time, at least on school nights, so I went home. "Mom, I'm home!" I took off my converse and set down my bag (I can go get it later). My mom suddenly came out wearing a hot pink dress; her best dress. She hasn't worn this dress since dad left.

The only memory I had of her wearing this was when I was five, a year before he left. It was the new years. I remember my older brother, who was nine at the time, and I, jumping around, laughing and cheering.

I remember my mom wearing this same exact dress, opening a bottle of champagne, as my dad pulled her in for a kiss as the clock struck midnight. Everything was fine back then. Everyone was happy. But maybe they weren't really happy, I was just oblivious to the real problems.

"Is something happening? Why are you all dressed up?" I interrogated, walking closer to her. "Well, if you must know, I went on a date." My face lit up. "Really?" I excitedly asked, making sure I heard her right. My mom nodded eagerly and I pulled her into a hug. I was not particularly thrilled that she was, kind of, replacing my dad; but seeing her happy was all that matters.

After I pulled away from the hug, I heard the doorbell ring. "Are we expecting someone?" My mom took off the apron that was tied around her waist and fixed her extremely short hair slightly before nodding as an answer to my question.

"It's the new neighbour next door. Why don't you go get the door sweetie. I need to go check on the food." Afterwards, she walked away and into the kitchen, while I plastered a small smile on my face before opening the door.

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