Chapter 37 - Murder Pt. 2

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TW: Mentions of murder, swearing, depression, suicidal thoughts


Chapter 37

April 17, Friday

Kathrin's POV

"What do you mean-- what do you mean there was another murder?" I asked, referring to what he just told me. "I mean... there was a murder." Mr. Millers repeated, stating the obvious while I rolled my eyes. "Who?" I asked, genuinely surprised by the sudden murders in this town.

"Uh..." He put a hand on my shoulder, leading me to a place further away from the crime scene since he wasn't supposed to tell me these sorts of information. "One of the Fischer's maids." He answered. "Wait, so there is a dead body in there?" I asked excitedly, trying to see it by peering over his shoulder.

"Yes." The detective replied, pushing me down slightly so I wouldn't keep peeking to try and see the crime scene. I fake pouted slightly since I wasn't able to see a dead body.

"Where are the Fischer's?" I finally asked, stopping my act of being bummed out. "Uhh..." Mr. Millers started stammering, looking away from me. "Where are they?" I asked again, but slower this time, completely expecting disappointment.

"They... they weren't here when we arrived. Or at their workplace. Or anywhere near, for that matter." He explained, giving me a sympathetic look. My face fell into a frown. I was feeling so many emotions at once. Frustration. Sadness. Hatred. But then, the next second, all of those feelings were gone. It was just complete nothingness. Paralysed. Numb.

Out of all of the numbness, I managed to hold on to a little bit of hope, that this was all a dream. That I'm going to wake up in the morning to get the good news of my mom's killer being found, and for it to not be my best friend's psychotic ex boyfriend's family to be behind the murder. But the next few answers I got just crushed all of that.

"What do you mean they weren't here?" I uttered out, all of the humour leaving my body. The detective looked down. "When we arrived, the house was scarily empty and completely silent. Only thing we found was this maid dead on the kitchen floor. As if-- as if a warning." He expounded, the look of pity still in his eyes. Mr. Millers patted my left shoulder apologetically. "You should get home, kid. It's quite late." He suggested then walked away.

But I didn't go home. I didn't even move. I just stood there, as still as a statue, letting all of my pushed away feelings flood in. All of those feelings I described before coming back in an instant. Though I could barely feel most of them since they were still buried deep inside of me, as the roaring anger was slowly emerging.

My blood was boiling. My hands were balled into fists. My jaw was clenched. And my gaze was so intense that anyone I merely glanced at could just drop dead right then and there.

If they just simply listened to me earlier, they could have caught them. But no, they had to follow the rules and get evidence and now the Fischer's aren't here and yet another life was lost, which could follow on with even more lives. If they can manage to kill two people, then there must've been more murdered before, and lots more would come.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to punch something, let all that anger out. I wanted to run away. As far as I could. Far away from this town filled with stupidly nice people. Far away from my father who seems to never be able to get over the fact that I am trying my best, yet still being criticised for every breath I take. Far away from all these judgy classmates that hate me for no actual reason.

I wanted-- no, I needed to escape. To find yet another person who is willing to listen to me rambling on about my problems. Someone who is willing to sit through a long annoying speech on why I am tired of this stupid life, and be able to not judge me and live with that information without it leaking out, and still see me as any other normal human being.

I don't even need them to do anything. They don't even have to listen. I would honestly appreciate anyone who would just be there, and not leave like every single other fucking human being that gets anywhere close to me.

I'm so tired. I am so fucking tired. And to be honest, I-- I don't want to live anymore. I know that's the easy way out. And that people might think I'm weak. Or a coward. But I don't care. I don't give two shits about what people say or think about me anymore. I'm used to that anyways. I just want out.

Immediately, I calmed down as I took sight of the breathtakingly beautiful girl with luscious blonde hair. Her sky blue eyes glimmered under the moonlight-- those pairs of eyes that shine brighter than all of the stars in the dark night sky caught mine. They were filled with worry. Eleanor walked closer to me, and even then I still didn't move a muscle.

"Hey Kathrin... what are you doing here? Are you ok?" She interrogated me, the look of worry still held in her face. I didn't respond for a moment, still trying to suppress the exploding feelings inside of me.

"Uhh... uhh... yeah. I'm fine. I-- I just passed by, so I wanted to... see what the fuss was all about." I stammered, looking down at my feet. "What are you doing here?" I then asked, looking up to see the blonde. "Oh! My mom is a detective. We were driving home when she got a call to come here, so I tagged along." Eleanor spoke, before quietly adding on, "And she's coming this way."

I looked over to where the blonde was looking at and saw a familiar person. It was a woman, obviously. She had brunette bra strap length hair. I was trying to figure out who she was and why she was so goddamn familiar, but from this distance, I could only really make out her silhouette, and everything else was mostly a blur.

When she was actually close enough, I finally figured it out. "Hi. I'm Eleanor's mom. detective Elizabelle ​​Barbeau. Also the one who was working undercover to investigate 'Fischer Consolidated'."

Stunned, I looked up at her. Well isn't that a great way to meet my girlfriends' mom for the first time? Well, it really isn't the first time considering she was the purple-haired woman who sold me drugs.


1109 words (edited)

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