Chapter 4 - New Kid

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 4

September 2, Tuesday

Maeva's POV

It was the next day. I went to get Sienna and Kathrin to walk to school together, as we usually would. I arrived to homeroom early, since it was still only 7:36 (school starts at 7:50). The teacher wasn't there yet either. Kathrin, who has homeroom with me, and I sat together and waited for more people to come.

It was finally time, and the classroom was filled with students. There was this new kid that I had never seen before stumbling into the room. He was super tall, like at-least-6'4 tall. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, and looked foreign. He wore a simple button down pale blue shirt and some basic black shorts.

Mr. Williams, who was also my social studies teacher, stood up; noticing that the new kid had arrived. "Everyone, this is Oskar Fischer; who transferred from Germany. He was busy with some personal things yesterday, therefore, couldn't join us. Please treat him with respect and make him feel welcome. Either way, we need a person to show him around the school, so any volunteers?"

I looked around to notice that nobody was raising their hand. I then looked towards Kathrin who looked like she was actually considering raising her hand, which I was really shocked by (considering she doesn't take part in most of these sorts of things). "Are you actually considering of voulanteering?" I whispered. "Not sure yet, he looks like he would be nice to fuck." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nobody? How about... Maeva." I heard Kathrin snort I and hit her shoulder playfully. I plastered a fake smile on my face. "I expect to see you here on your snack break. Anyways that's it. Off you go." Everyone grabbed their bags and walked out of the classroom.

So far the day was pretty normal. I had music, Spanish, and a break where I showed the new kid around. Apparently, English was his second language, which is why he had a thick accent; though at least I could understand him.

Then I had maths, my least favorite class. I just see no point in it. Like addition, subtraction and multiplication, sure. But when would I ever need anything else?

But then-- the class I was dreading-- science. Science was actually my favorite subject, but Ms. Smith just had to put Nate and I together, so it has gone far down the ranking.

"Hello darling." I turned my head to the boy that had just walked in and rolled my eyes. "I told you to stop calling me that." He plopped down onto the chair next to me and leaned close to my ear. "And I told you I can do whatever I want. So better get used to it." I groaned and he chuckled.

I then saw Oskar walking in. His coffee brown eyes stared straight into mine. He walked and sat at the seat behind me, since it was the only seat that was free. He gave me a small smile, which I returned.

Suddenly I felt someone lightly shove my shoulder. "What's with you and the new kid?" He asked, some sort of judgement, almost disgust, laced in his voice; almost as if he was jealous

Nathaniel's POV

I was very jealous. As much as I hate Maeva, it was never true hatred. It was a petty feud that originated from a petty playground fight. It actually started because I had a crush on Maeva. First grade, when I pushed her off of that swing. I didn't know how to show my liking of someone-- and my first instinct was to try and get her attention, but that obviously didn't turn out well.

That's all I've been wanting for the years we spent bickering-- to instead maybe be friends. I just wanted her attention, but didn't know how to get it. And seeing her giving the sort of attention I've been wanting to someone else, who hasn't tried at all, made me awfully jealous.

I mean, what did the new kid have that I don't? Apart from the perfect hair, buff body, being super tall, really sharp jawline... ok he has a lot of things I don't, but that's besides the point. I bet I have a better personality... wait, nevermind, I don't have that either.

Either way, the point is I'm a much better person and there is no way she would pick a piece of shit like him over me (I'm aware that I know nothing about him, but I was deciding that he was a piece of shit). "Nothing. I just talk to him sometimes." She responded, obviously annoyed. "Totally." I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

"Hello class. Since you are in eleventh grade this year, you will be participating in the annual science fair; which, if you aren't aware, contains of eleventh and twelfth graders. You will have to make a project that is above the knowledge of a sixteen year old and an article about your project. Make sure to include all of your sources, in-text citations and no plagiarism. You're going to be working with a partner--"

Students started whispering among themselves, already grouping themselves. "--With the person sitting next to you." Ms. Smith stated, talking over us. That led to the whole class groaning.

I turned around to see the new kid raising his hand, leading to the teacher calling on him. "I don't have a table partner." He declared, a thick accent laced in his voice. "Ok, well... you can just work with Nathaniel and Maeva."

She gestured to me and the brunette girl sitting next to me. Girls started giving looks of envy to her while I saw a smirk grow on the new kid's face and he leaned back on his chair. Why thank you, Ms. Smith, for ruining the only alone time I could have with Maeva.

Maeva's POV

School was almost over. I was at my locker to get my books for English. As I opened the locker, a note fell out. I picked it up and opened it, since it was folded. There were a lot of numbers, which I was going to guess was a phone number. I smiled to myself until a voice startled me.

"Hi!" I jumped and flinched slightly while she snatched the paper from my hand. "Oooh, is this from a boy?" Sienna asked as I grabbed the paper back. "I don't know, it didn't say." She smirked at me and nodded sarcastically while her face lit up with an idea. "Is it that new guy Oskar?"

She wiggled her eyebrows as I put a hand in front of her face. "Shush!" The black haired girl with highlights giggled and we walked off to our class.

Time skip

It was currently nine pm. I was in my pajamas and about to go to bed. I couldn't sleep though, because my mind was racing with the thoughts of whether or not I should call the mystery person, who I believed was Oskar.

I mean, he seemed nice, and is super hot; which doesn't matter as much, but still. Also, bonus, he is taller than me, which is amazing. But then again, a part of me doesn't want to. This year I have felt a feeling I've never felt before, with a person that I haven't discovered yet. I know it makes zero sense to anyone else, but it kinda does to me.

In the end, I just gave in and called him.

"Hello?" A raspy voice greeted, almost in a questioning tone. "Hi, it's, uhm, Maeva, from school." He paused for a second before answering. "Oh hi! I-- I'm glad you called." He said, finally realising who I was. "I'm sorry if I woke you up." I apologised and he just responded with a 'no'.

"So, I was wondering, if you would maybe... have lunch with me sometime? Or dinner, it really doesn't matter." He asked and I giggled slightly at his nervousness. "Are you asking me out on a date?" I teasingly questioned. "Maybe." The boy murmured while I smiled to myself. "Sure. I would love to."

I heard him sigh in relief before speaking up again, "Well, uhm, good night." I chuckled. "Good night."


1382 words (edited)

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