Chapter 34 - Swim Meet Pt. 1

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A/n: Yes the speech was stolen from teen wolf, sue me. enjoyy!

TW: Swearing


Chapter 34

March 14, Saturday

Kathrin's POV

Every year at around this time, four of the best swimmers (two girls, two boys) are put forward to represent their school for the annual swim meet in the state.

As I've mentioned before, I do swimming because my... mom signed me up for it at the beginning of the year. We had around, I don't know... a lot of people in the swimming team, and not that many do make it to the final competition. Since my mom was one of the best swimmers in the state and had been to a bunch of these sorts of contests and won (or at least did really well), it sort of gave me a little head start.

I never really cared for swimming growing up. I thought it was just a waste of time, another thing to check off of my to-do list. But after what happened, for the first time ever, I wanted to make my mom proud.

I worked extra hard and didn't skip my swimming lessons. I made sure that I was good enough to be one of the four people that represented our school. And I did.

So I did get nominated as one of the swimmers. Tinkerbell (Nate) did as well. And there were two other people as well. Honestly, I don't remember their names. Just one redhead girl with blue eyes and a dude with super short bright green hair and dark brown eyes.

We met up at the school bus bay. The teachers weren't here yet, classic, so the blonde idiot, the other two, and I just waited next to the bus. And it's a mini bus, it would just be stupid if four kids and some teacher's went on a whole ass big bus. Oh and, Maeva and Sienna woud meet us at the place the swim meet is held, which is in Detroit.

Obviously, Nate and I found yet another thing to argue about because we can. "Can you two just stop bickering for once?" A British-accented voice called out. Both Nate and I snapped our heads to carrot top (redhead girly), and replied 'no' in unison. She rolled her eyes and then went back to the book she was reading.

A few seconds later, a 'ding' sound could be heard from Nate's pocket, so he went to check his phone. There was plain silence for a moment, the only sound that could be heard was the typing noises from Tinkerbell's texting.

"Sorry about Ellie." A deep voice laced with a country accent spoke. I turned my head to look at the green haired boy. "I'm Ethan, in case you don't know yet." He introduced himself. "Kathrin." I simply responded.

After a few more moments of awkward silence, the dude spoke up again. Wow, I already forgot his name. Uhmmm, let's call him... Shrek. Because of the green hair, y'know. Either way, Shrek spoke up again. "So... uhm... what's up?" I eyed him weirdly before responding. "Nothing." He nodded. Is he trying to make small talk? Oh well, Shrek sucks at it.

I checked my watch, yes I have a watch, to see that the time was 6:04. The teachers really made us meet up at six in the morning just to be late. Soon enough they arrived. As in the principal, Mrs... I don't know her name, it's some color, and Mr. Gonzales, the gym teacher and swimming coach. "Hello kids. Are you ready to go?" The white haired principal asked.

All of us nodded, carrot top extra eagerly. "Ok then, let's go." The principal then exclaimed, getting onto the bus. The bus driver followed closely behind, then the two seniors. Before Nate and I could get on, Mr. Gonzales dragged us to the side, muttering to us about how he needs to talk to us.

"You two are the best swimmers of the entire school, and I sure as hell want to win, so you two better kick some asses." The dark haired teacher harshly whispered. We both nodded, but then the blonde idiot spoke up. "But out of the both of us, who's better?" He asked.

Mr. Gonzales kept silent for a moment before replying with, "You two are equally good." He then patted both of our shoulders, signalling for us to get on the bus. After Nate was inside, I heard someone whisper in my ear. "You're the better one."

Time skip

It's been about forty minutes (we live in Ann Arbour), and we finally arrived. Me being me, got car sick, so I rushed to the bathroom immediately after we got off. I didn't even eat anything yet! I could hear laughing coming from Tinkerbell, so I just flipped him off while running.

After walking out of the bathroom, I located the black hair girl with highlights, her boyfriend, and the curly hair brunette talking to Nate. Shrek's parents were ther, and so were carrot tops. I walked over to them and joined Maeva and Sienna's conversation, which was interrupted by Mr. Gonzales's whistle.

"Ok team! Competition will start at seven thirty, which is thirty minutes from now. Now you lot better get ready. The rest of you can go to the bleachers." Everyone did as they were told.

Time skip

Soon after, everyone came out wearing the school swimsuit. The girls ones were just a navy blue one piece with a yellow 'M' printed on the top in the left corner. The boys ones were the same design but they were knee length shorts.

More teams from other schools have arrived. I looked over at the bleachers, which were filled with more people now. I scanned over the place and located my two best friends. Near them was... my father? What was he doing here?

My train of thought was interrupted by our coach. Oh shit, he was going to give us one of his stupid motivational speeches again. "In less than an hour, aircrafts from here will join others from around the world and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind." He started saying.

Carrot top had a confused look on her face. "Mankind, that word should have a new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interest." I felt a tap on my shoulder to see... Ella? I don't remember.

"Isn't this the independence day speech?" I nodded, laughing slightly. "Perhaps fate today is the fourth of July." It's not even the fourth of July. "This is his favourite movie." I quietly explained to the redhead girl.

"And you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution. But from annihilation." I doubt he knows what a single one of those words mean.

"We're fighting for our right to live, to exist and should we win the day the fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday but as the day when the world declared in one voice." Mr. Gonzales continued.

"Can't he think of any sports speeches?" Carrot top question. I shook my head. "Nope. Nope he can't." I replied to her.

"We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We're going to live on. We're going to survive. Today we celebrate our independence day!" He finished as Shrek, Tinkerbell and I started cheering and whooping, as carrot top kept her confused demeanour. Well today is going to be fun.


1257 words (edited)

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