Chapter 6 - Lunch

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 6

September 18, Thursday

Sienna's POV

Thursday has arrived, and I am having my least favorite class first, which is math (I don't understand why people like math-- what's so enjoyable about it?). The teacher, Mr. Jones, had made seating plans, which was actually quite shocking since he is literally the most careless teacher ever; other than Ms. Santiana.

Though, out of all the people that he could've put me next to, he put me next to Nathaniel. Personally, I would like to believe that I am not a person filled with hatred, so I have been trying to get myself to not hate him. I have no reason to either, he hasn't done anything to me, the only reason I didn't like him was because, according to girl code, whoever your best friends hates, you have to hate as well.

But it seems to me Maeva doesn't hate him that much anymore. In fact, I think Maeva can actually tolerate him now. It's not like they had actual real reasons to hate each other anyways; just a small playground fight. Quite absurd it lasted so long too. Kathrin still hates Nathaniel though; but it's just how she does, randomly being against people.

Though speaking of her being against people, she also thinks that Maeva shouldn't date Oskar. When I asked her why, she would just answer with 'I have considered fucking him, that's a huge red flag right there'. Despite the fact that it may be true, since all the people she's been with ended up being expelled from school-- or some other unnecessarily stupid thing happen to them, the new kid seemed to be quite the gentleman. 

Anyways, all of that was totally off topic, back to the thing I was talking about. I didn't want to hate Nathaniel anymore. He seemed to have changed and grew past his childish behavior... slightly. In fact, I was considering being friends with him. I mean, you can never have too many friends.

Oh, speaking of the Devil, he arrived into class late... again. "Mr. Stone, could you explain why you are late?" Our teacher questioned as the blonde boy walked towards our desk. "I was in the bathroom, sorry." He apologised and plopped onto the chair by my right. "Don't be sorry, be on time." Mr. Jones scolded before going back to teaching.

The blue eyed boy slumped into his chair as I leaned slightly closer to him. "Hi," I whispered as he looked up at me weirdly. "Hey?" Nathaniel responded, more of a question than a greeting. "So I was wondering, maybe you would want to sit with us at lunch." I suggested. This led to him furrowing his eyebrows and staring directly at me. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Well I don't know. It seems to me that you don't hate us that much anymore. And I think you would need more friends, so--" He suddenly. cut me off. "What do you mean I need more friends?" He quizzed, looking quite offended.

"Well I mean, I only ever see you talking to Jeremy, if not him then it's Maeva. You always look extremely depressed. So it might help a bit with your loneliness if you got to be friends with... someone else." I explained and his eyes widened a bit.

"What are you suggesting, that I'm some sort of loner kid that's depressed?" Now he is actually offended. "Well... yeah. And that you don't hate Maeva anymore." I continued while he sat up. "Ok, well-- I don't need more friends. I-- I have Jer." Nathaniel stammered.

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