Chapter 26 - Hospital

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TW: Mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, slight mentions of abuse


Chapter 26

January 4, Sunday

Kathrin's POV

I was up in my room reading a book, which, believe or not, I do enjoy doing. It really doesn't seem like a me-thing to do, but I found reading to be an escape-- from this stupid world and its stupid intentions. And I also read to know more of what to write. I've always dreamed of being an writer, someone with the power to wield words as if a sword in a battle. But I always knew that dream was always going to be just that-- a dream

It was already around seven at night, and mother should've be home by then. I have called her multiple times already, but she didn't answer.

After a while, I decided to go outside since I was bored and wanted to explore the woods. As soon as I arrived downstairs, I spotted my father sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hands while watching the news.

He doesn't remember anything that happened during the new years. I mean, what can I expect, he was very drunk. So we're on good terms right now... kinda. He hasn't hit me since then, so that's a good sign.

Mother stayed at her friend's house after the events of that night and thought I have taken care of... him. But I haven't. I didn't have the guts to do it. At the end of the day, he as still my father. And a small part of me hoped that the man that raised me was going to come back.

As I was pulling on my beat up shoes, I got up the courage to ask him where mother was. "I don't know. Have you called her?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the tv. "Yea, I have but--" I soon cut myself off noticing what was being shown on the screen.

It revealed a clip of a familiar navy blue Mercedes Benz with flames shooting through it and some parts of the car moulded and melted. Firefighters and police officers surrounded the scene. An ambulance was there with multiple doctors bringing a woman with ear length brunette hair on a stretcher into it.

And that's when it hit me. "Mother!" I shrieked. Saying that must have startled my father since his eyes widened from realisation. He abruptly shot up from the sofa and dashed to put on his shoes.

We rushed to the hospital, ignoring the weird stares from everyone. I wasn't crying yet, having a bit of hope that it wasn't her in the car accident. After arriving at the hospital, we asked a nurse if there was a person there under the name 'Olivia Anderson'. After hearing her answer, my heart dropped. That was when I started to really worry.

We ran over to a double door that had the words 'Authorised Person Only' printed onto it. Through the glass, I located my mother on a surgery bed with doctors surrounding her.

They were cutting open her pink shirt and revealed burn scars scattered around and blood splattered everywhere. She had tear stained cheeks, which had a mixture of blood as well. Her hazel eyes were still open, but I could see them fluttering shut, as she couldn't hold them open any longer.

Right before they were closed, she took notice of my father and I, then a small smile broke out in her face.

Maeva's POV

I was sitting in my hospital bed eating the chocolate pudding they provided while watching the news. Yes, me, a sixteen year old, was watching the news.

Suddenly, the news of a woman's car exploding was shown on tv. It then skipped to a clip of a bunch of men wearing all black attire with black three whole knit masks. It was in our neighbourhood, house twenty. That's... Kathrin's house. What were these people doing with Kathrin's family?

Apparently, this was recorded by their neighbour's camera at three in the morning, or 3:17 to be specific. Their place has been robbed in the past, and for safety reasons, they installed cameras everywhere. I then took a closer look at the people and saw the badges on their shirts. A snake. The same snake logo I saw on those papers at Oskar's house.

As if it was timed, Nate walked in. "Hey, I got you some McDo-- woah, why do you look so mad?" The blonde boy asked, referring to my fuming red face. He chuckled slightly, sitting down at the grey chair and setting down the McDonalds bag.

"Did you tell anyone about what I told you yesterday?" I asked, hoping he would say no. "Why would you think that?" He questioned back, looking away nervously. "Are you seriously lying to me right now?" I questioned in disbelief and scoffed. "I'm not!" He screeched, his sea blue eyes widening. "Then explain why some people planted bombs on Kathrin's mom's car?" I asked, gesturing to the tv.

"Well how do you know it's Fischer's doing?" The blonde boy retorted, leading to me rolling my eyes. "That's beside the point, now who did you tell?" I hastily questioned. Nate furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"Well then, if it was really then, why plant it on Kathrin's moms car and not your moms? If you're apparently the one they have a problem with." He snapped. "Well-- I don't know that yet. Why are you being so defensive?" I shouted. He took a moment to answer, but eventually did. "Okay, fine. I told someone." He finally admitted. I clenched my jaw, mad that he didn't listen to me.

"Why would you do that? After I specifically told you not to! What the hell!" I exclaimed, raising my arms. "Someone is abusing you, Maeva! What, was I supposed to just keep my mouth shut? This is a serious matter!" He yelled, leading to me flinching back slightly. But I just covered it up with another comeback. "Okay, then. Who exactly did you tell?" I spoke, more calmly this time.

The blonde boy hesitated for a moment and kept silent. Soon enough, he replied. "I went over to Fischer's place... and confronted him." Nate mumbled, almost as if he didn't want me to hear him. "You're an idiot, you know that?" I muttered, too weak to raise my voice.

"Now Kathrin's mom might not survive, and he's going to do God knows what to me, and the worst part is, nobody can believe us now since he's going to use all of precious daddy's money to cover it up! What do I even see in you? I should have never kissed you."

I looked into Nate's once bright and cheerful sea blue eyes, that used to be so full of life. They were then filled with darkness. It was no longer filled with the positive emotions I'm used to seeing in them. It was a mixture of guilt, distress, sadness, and not a single bit of love. Completely lifeless. And the worst part was, I didn't even regret what I have said. Not a single word.

Obviously I didn't mean it. I did enjoy that kiss we shared, and would love to do so again, which most likely wasn't going to happen anymore. But... a large part of me was telling myself to hate him, and I listened to it. It was easier that way. It was the way we should be.


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