Chapter 17 - Christmas Eve Pt. 3

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 17

December 24, Wednesday

Maeva's POV

It just hit at 8:15 and Nate was still not here. I was starting to get worried. What if something did happen to him? Or does he just not like me enough to come? These worried thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

I hastily ran to it, secretly hoping it was Nate, and it was. "Hey Maeva," He greeted me. I just smile idiotically before finally realising how stupid I must've looked. I, at some point, snapped out of it and actually said something. "Hi! You look nice." I complimented him.

He gave me a big grin and thanked me, saying my dress looked good on me. "She's totally flirting with you." Kyle whispered loudly to Nate as the blonde boy nudged him jokingly. That led to me rolling my eyes and walking to the side so that the Stone family could walk in.

"I love your decorations." The blonde woman praised, admiring the well decorated living room we had.

" The blonde woman praised, admiring the well decorated living room we had

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Maeva's living room

"Thank you." I spoke, returning her a small smile. She walked off to go talk to the other two moms in the kitchen. His older brother went to join the girls and Mr. Millers on the couch, leaving the blue eyed boy and I alone.

"This really is amazing." He spoke while looking around, obviously referring to the well decorated house. "Oh look--" He continued, looking up. I gave him a confused look before looking up as well, "Mistletoe."

Nathaniel's POV

Once we arrived at her house right next to ours, I rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to open the door. Not long later, it swung open revealing Maeva wearing a beautiful green silky dress. I was astonished.

"Hey Maeva." I uttered out, not wanting an awkward tension to start. "Hi! You look nice." She said and I could feel my cheeks heating up. She thought I looked nice. Me! Maeva thought I looked nice! Crazy. "Oh-- uhm, t-- thank you. Your dress looks great on you." The girl with dark brunette hair nodded in response.

"She's totally flirting with you." My annoying brother whispered into my ear. I nudged him as the beautiful girl in front of me rolled her eyes and stepped aside. "I love your decorations!" My mom spoke while Maeva murmured a 'thank you' and smiled. Oh that smile could light up the whole world.

Soon enough, they all scurried off to different places, leaving the girl with chocolate brown eyes and I alone. "This really is amazing." I muttered, looking around. I stopped once I located the mistletoe stuck on top of us. "Oh look--" I cut myself off once she noticed what I was looking at, "Mistletoe." We both murmured in unison.

I had a smug look on my face. We looked down and locked eyes. "Wipe that stupid smirk off of your face." She complained, slapping my chest playfully, leading to a chuckle to leave my lips. She tried walking away, but I was quick to pull her back by her bicep. "Excuse me, where are you going? You owe me a kiss." I put a hand on my chest, fake being offended.

Her eyes followed my hand and they landed on my chest. I swear she stared. That caused my smirk to come back. I knew unbuttoning the shirt was a good idea. "I'm not kissing you." She stated. I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned closer to her face. "Why not."

I fake pouted as she giggled. "Because you smell weird." Maeva answered. I widened my eyes and opened my mouth to speak. "What? You don't like my cologne?" I shrieked, leading to her laughing even more.

"Nope. But the real reason is... I have a boyfriend, which you know. And you have a girlfriend!" She screeched. "So? I was planning on breaking up with her anyways, and that asshole treat you like shit anyways." I tried reasoning with her but she still shook her head.

"Just a peck. Super duper small." I requested, doing a pinching motion with my fingers, and she finally gave in. We both leaned in slowly and our lips touched. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my heart skipped a beat.

During this year, every time I saw her, even just glance at her, I wanted to grab her face and smash her lips into mine. Every single time. I felt so alive. And all of that stopped once she pulled away. Not even a second later.

The cold air hit my mouth and I frowned, this time it was her who was smirking. "Why'd you stop?" I questioned. "You said a peck." She responded. "C'mon, I don't actually mean a peck!" I complained as the brunette rolled her eyes. "So desperate for me now, are we?"

I scoffed at her joke, leading to her laughing really hardly. "What is the Santa hat for?" She questioned, eyeing my head weirdly. "Oh! I almost forgot." I said, handing her the elf hat. Maeva squinted her eyes at it, giving me a questioning look.

Her eyes widened in realisation soon after. "No, I am not going to wear that. Absolutely not." She responded. "Uh yes you are." I quickly put it on her head, laughing at her disapproving expression.


878 words (edited)

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