Chapter 10 - Science Fair Pt. 1

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TW: Swearing, smoking


Chapter 10

November 3, Monday

Maeva's POV

Today's the day of the science fair! After school, all of the students from eleventh and twelvth grade went over to the gym, that was filled with white tables put in organised rows. Oskar, Nate and I went to the table that had our name on it. Nate and I set it up by putting the paper, folded into three parts and filled with information about our project, onto the table. I then set down my microscope.

Time skip

It has been about three hours. In my opinion, we did pretty well. I did most of the explaining since I know more than the other two. Nate did try from time to time to the parents that came to our station to practise for next year.

The judges have finally finished seeing everyones and informed our principal about it. "Silence, everyone!" Mrs. Brown, the principal, exclaimed. She stood on the stage at the very front as all eyes snapped to her, eager to see who won.

My eyes flickered to my two best friends, Kathrin paying extra attention because, as I have mentioned before, she is very competitive. "Now for third place we have... Bob Taylor and Timothy Lake!"

The crowd clapped as the two boys, in senior year, I think, excitedly walked up to the front as a teacher I didn't know gave them bronze medals. "For second place we have... Sienna Miller and Kathrin Anderson!" I looked over at the dark haired girl and brunette.

Both of their faces were lit up as people started clapping for them. I could hear Sienna's high pitched squeal and Kathrin repeating 'holy shit' again and again while Sienna's parents praised them.

They walked up to the stage as well, being awarded with silver medals. Both girls went to stand next to the two seniors, still holding wide grins on their faces. "And lastly, the first place winner of our fiftieth annual science fair is... Oskar Fischer, Nathaniel Stone and Maeva Renolds!"

My eyes widened, still processing the fact that my name was being called out. Nate must have realised before me and pulled me into a tight hug, which I immediately returned. People started applauding really loudly.

I was so happy at that moment that I didn't seem to care what Oskar would do afterwards. After we broke out of the hug, I was greeted with another one by my mom, while Nate got one from his. His brother patted his shoulder and sent him a warm smile.

I then glance over at Oskar. His parents both grinned at him, his father giving him a firm handshake. Oskar never seemed like the person who really hugs, so I guess that is just their way of congratulating him.

All three of us walked to the front, me skipping slightly from the amount of joy I felt. The teacher put golden medals around our necks. Later on, we walked to where the other winners were. I stood next to Sienna, Nate to my left. She held onto my hand, squeezing it slightly. "I knew you would win." She whispered into my ear. I returned it with a beaming smile.

"Quiet down everyone!" Mrs. Brown talked into the mic again as everyone hushed. "We have decided to do something different this year. We wanted to award the first place winners with an extra prize..." The white haired principal continued, then paused, waiting for Ms. Smith, and some male teacher that walked with her onto the stage.

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