Chapter 24 - You. Are. Mine. Pt. 1

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TW: Injuries, possessiveness, attempt of rape, physical/emotional abuse, blood, swearing, injuries


Chapter 24

January 2, Friday

Maeva's POV

Oskar texted me to go meet him. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I can't just keep being his punching bag for whenever he is mad! And still, I was so afraid to end it all with him. It felt almost as if I was silenced, forbidden to speak. Silenced by fear, and his threats. What was even the literal fu--... *cough* fricking point of the relationship?

Oh and, totally off topic, Kathrin was fine. We insisted on bringing her to the hospital, but she didn't listen; as if she ever did.

Either way, back to the point. Oskar told me to meet him at his place. I was quite suspicious of why he wanted me there, and even considered just leaving him on read. But then I remembered what he might do if I did.

He said to meet him at ten, and it was currently 9:36, so I decided to leave then. I didn't feel the need to dress up for him anymore, which led to me wearing the most comfortable thing I had, other than the pyjamas.

After I arrived, one of their maids opened the door for me. I stood there for a second before actually walking in, not sure what to do since this was some super rich people's mansion, and I'm not rich. I carefully stepped in, slowly strolling through the place. I heard people discussing.

My curious nature led to me going closer to the sound until I saw two people, Oskar's parents, sitting at a grand table.

I got close enough to hear their muttering, but still couldn't make out what they were saying. It was in a different language, probably German... since that is where they are from. I peeked through the wall and noticed a lot of folders and computers opened. There were a lot of papers scattered around, and most of them had something stamped onto them. It was logo with a snake-like animal in it.

I was dragged out of my thoughts after hearing the familiar voice of the person I feared. "What are you doing?" Oskar asked, as I turned around to look at him wide-eyed. "Oh! Uhm... y-- your, uhm, maid let me in. So... I wasn't sure where t-- to go." I stammered.

He gave me a stern look, but soon softened it after harshly grabbing my arm. "Don't wander around my house ever again. Got it?" He hissed, which led to me nodding vigorously.

He dragged me up to his room. Immediately after the door was shut, Oskar pinned me against the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows and aggressively closed my eyes, flinching back so my head was against the wall

"I-- I didn't do anything!" I shrieked. After hearing him chuckle, I carefully opened my eyes again to locate him resting both his hands above my head with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"I know you didn't do anything." The blonde boy spoke quietly, leaning closer to my face. I could feel his warm breath fan against my skin. "I just want you to know that you. Are. Mine." Oskar growled, glaring at me. My breath was shaky. My heart was beating rapidly.

"I know." I murmured, voice barely a whisper, too scared about what would happen if I do one thing wrong. "Well, do you really?" He asked. I had a confused look on my face. "I think... that I should prove it to you." The brown eyed boy offered. My confusion only grew stronger. That feeling was replaced with a feeling of discomfort after realising what was happening.

His right hand left the area on the wall above my head and went to my plain white crop top, fingers digging into my bare skin underneath my shirt. "What are you doing?" I asked, voice louder this time. He stopped what he was doing, then looked at me, smirking even wider than before.

"Proving you are mine." Oskar declared. I obviously already figured what was happening, and my first instinct was to slap his hand away, which I did.

I then realised how much of a mistake that was. I widened my eyes yet again. His smirk was long gone and then he just looked mad. Like full on mad. Oskar aggressively shoved me against the wall. "What did I say about not obeying me?" He questioned as my heart started beating even faster from fear.

After Oskar didn't hear me answer, he must've gotten annoyed. Therefore he punched me in the face. I pushed myself off of the floor, feeling the blood drip out of my nose. I got up, only to be pushed back onto the floor again. "Answer me slut!" Oskar shouted, towering over me.

I was panting. My hands were shaking. Tears started to come out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I got on my hands and knees, trying to get away from this situation. Then, another sharp pain could be felt at my stomach. The kick was so strong that my back hit the door, making it have a rattling sound.

Right when he was about to kick me again, I immediately stood up, dashing out of his room. I could hear his heavy footsteps catching up quickly behind me. I ran through the back door so his parents wouldn't notice my state at the moment.

I ran as fast as I could. I don't think I have ever ran that fast ever in my life. Even after the sound of someone chasing me left, I still didn't stop. The worried that-- that... monster was still following me. The fear and panic of experiencing that again coursed through my body.

Suddenly, I tripped over. Apparently, there was a rock on the road I was running on. I fell to the ground, groaning from the pain. I tried to stand up, but it hurt so bad that putting the least bit of weight on it would make my leg ache. I crawled into an alleyway close by and leaned against the cold, brick wall. Since it was ten at night, no one was out, so no one could really help me.

I pulled out my phone and called my mom. She didn't answer since she was working late that day. I then called Sienna, who didn't answer either. Probably at some party again. Next was Kathrin. She always answered my calls.

'Hi. So I didn't answer your call. How shocking. Welp, it's either I'm dead or I don't like you. So... don't call me again. Bye!' Well isn't life great? My brother's flight was today and he was probably already on a plane by now, so he couldn't help me.

I then remembered. "Nate." I muttered to myself and quickly dialed his number. "Howdy doody." Nate greeted me, playfully as he usually did. I sighed in relief, hearing his voice. I didn't answer, scared that he would hear me cry. "Hello? Are you there?" He quizzed in a stupid voice.

Tears were still rolling down my face, now mixed with the blood around my nose. I tried sobbing silently, but failed since he heard. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Nate asked, sounding concerned. "C-- can you come pick me up?" I asked, voice breaking slightly. "Yeah, sure, where are you?"


1220 words (edited)

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