Chapter 38 - Murder Pt. 3

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TW: Slight mentions of drugs, slight mentions of smoking, slight mentions of alcohol, slight mentions of underage drinking


Chapter 38

April 17, Friday

Kathrin's POV

"Uh... uhm. Hi, Mrs. Barbeau." I stammered, obviously nervous. "Hi. You must be Kathrin" The brunette woman greeted me sternly, looking down at me. I responded with a nod.

"Can I talk to her for a moment? Alone." She then spoke, a British accent laced in her voice. She shifted to look towards Eleanor, who had a suspicious look in her eyes. "Ok...?" The blonde girl spoke, glaring at her mom slightly. Then giving me a sympathetic look.

"So... what did you find?" I asked, immediately after Eleanor left, referring to the evidence found to relate the people with snake logos and 'Fischer Consolidated'. "I got video footage of these people with the snake logo, who call themselves 'The Cobra's' admitting that they work for 'Fischer Consolidated'." She explained, still not cracking a smile.

I nodded in response as an awkward silence fell upon us. I looked down, trying not to make eye contact. "You're the woman I met at that trailer park right?" I then questioned, not being able to take the quietness. "Yes. Yes I am." Mrs. Barbeau replied. "So I'm guessing the stuff you told me wasn't real." I then uttered out, still not looking up, beginning to fidget my my fingers. "That is correct."

Why does she have to be so professional? I like the trailer park version of her better. "I'm going to also estimate that the drugs you gave me weren't real drugs either." I started anxiously fidgeting with my fingers. I never had to meet with my partner's parents ever in my life. This is nerve-wracking.

"They in fact were just vitamin b powder." The brunette woman explained. "How did I not notice the difference?" I muttered to myself, still refusing to look up at her. "Probably because you were drunk most of the time." She replied, obviously hearing what I said.

Silence emerged once again. "So, Kathrin..." Mrs. Barbeau started saying again, leading to me looking at her since I took it as a sign to do so. "I can't allow you to date my daughter." She sternly spoke. My heart dropped. I knitted my eyebrows together. "How come?" I mumbled, trying to sound as professional as I could. Though the question came out more quiet than I anticipated.

"Well look at you. You're wearing pants with chains on them. You smoke and drink. You are even willing to do drugs. I can't allow someone like that around my daughter." Mrs. Barbeau expounded, using her hands to gesture to my outfit.

She paused for a moment before talking again. "I know you are going through things. With your mother... passing and all. I understand that you might do irresponsible actions from time to time. But I can't have my daughter be influenced by any of that. I am sorry, but you two can't happen."

I didn't respond. I didn't even make a sound. I just stared straight at her. Well more of a glare. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out for a moment. After a few seconds, I finally said something, "What if I change?"

Mrs. Barbeau looked at me weirdly and had a small amusing smile on her face. "No one changes that much, Kathrin. Especially in such a small span of time." With that, she walked away. Leaving me standing there alone.

"What happened?" The familiar voice of Eleanor quizzed, coming to my side. I glanced at her apologetically, then looked down. "She said we couldn't be together, didn't she?" The blonde girl questioned. I hesitantly nodded, picking my head up to look at her.

The girl with sky blue eyes huffed, then death-stared her mom in the back. "Why don't we secretly date?" I suddenly offered. That led to Eleanor turning her head back. I expected her to have a shocked look on her face and disagree with me.

But instead, she didn't say or do anything. "I have this large tree right beside my bedroom window. I sneak in and out quite a lot. You can tell... your friend about it. And honestly I won't tell anyone. For the excitement y'know." I rambled, forgetting her friends' name, still fidgeting with my fingers.

Eleanor stared at me for a second, then looked up, as if to think whether or not she would engage with this plan. Then she looked back at me once again. "You know my mom is a detective. You literally just saw her." She asked me, a questioning look in her eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders and made a weird look on my face. "We could always try. I'm always up for a challenge." I casually replied. The blonde girl chuckled slightly at my action then nodded her head eagerly. "Ok then." She responded.

Welp, guess she and I really could work out. Let's just hope no one finds out.


809 words (edited)

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