Chapter 47 - Prom Pt. 5

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TW: Swearing


Chapter 47

June 30, Tuesday

Eleanor's POV

Kathrin went to the bathroom a while ago. She usually doesn't take long, but at that moment, she was taking so much longer than usual to a point where I was kind of worried. Kimmy needed to use the toilet as well, so I asked her to see if Kathrin was alright.

After standing in the corner of the well-decorated gym for a few minutes, my brunette friend came back, trying to hold back a grin. "What?" I asked, referring to her derpy smile. "Nothing, nothing. Go to the principal's office. Kathrin wants to meet you there." Kimmy spoke in a hushed tone, not wanting others to know about Kathrin and I's secret relationship.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at her request. "Why the principal's office?" I asked. "I don't know. She didn't tell me any more than that." The brunette girl explained, walking away to find her boyfriend, leaving me standing alone in that corner once again.

Though this time, my brain was filled with questions. I still followed the orders nevertheless, leading to me walking out of the room and towards Mrs. Brown's office.

"Hello?" I called out after getting closer to the destination. The usually bright and colorful hallway was now dark and eerie. To be honest, it kind of sent chills down my spine. "Anyone there?" I quizzed, looking around to find emptiness.

All I could hear was my slow footsteps and increasing heart rate. Once I arrived at the principal's office, I hesitantly set my hand on the handle, though a tad bit too scared to actually open the door, expecting to reveal something bad. I knew I was in school and not some haunted mansion, but there was still a possibility that something creepy would happen.


"Ahh!" I screeched, my eyes widening to a point they might just pop out. I immediately turned around to take sight of my brunette girlfriend with caramel brown eyes, now doubling over in laughter.

I playfully shoved her shoulder, an exaggerated angry look on my face. "That was not funny." I complained, rolling my eyes at how much Kathrin was laughing. "Well if you saw your face you would see why I'm laughing." The brunette girl then said in between pants, her laughing fit still not over, though it was slowly fading away.

I just rolled my eyes at her statement. After she was mostly done laughing, I finally asked her, "So why did you want us to meet at the principal's office?" Kathrin just shrugged her shoulders. "Well the location doesn't necessarily have a purpose, it's just this is the only place we're actually not allowed to be in right now, so--"

I cut her off before she could continue. "You picked to meet me at the one place we're not supposed to be at." I repeated, clarifying what she was trying to say. The brunette girl just simply nodded and uttered out a 'yeah'.

"Either way," She continued. "I wanted to meet you because it wouldn't be a proper prom if the couples didn't dance to some sad romantic song. Therefore, we are going to share one of those cheesy moments I hate because I am an amazing girlfriend and found out that you like to dance."

I smiled sheepishly, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "Awh." I murmured, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into a hug. Kathrin patted my back awkwardly, which led to a chuckle leaving my lips.

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