Chapter 46 - Prom Pt. 4

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TW: Swearing, slight mentions of rape


Chapter 46

June 30, Tuesday

Sienna's POV

The soft, romantic music was playing in the background as the love of my life had his hands rested on my hips while mine were holding onto his shoulders.

"What?" I quizzed, referring to him staring at me dreamily. He snapped out of his daze at my question, his icy blue eyes looking into mine.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Dylan asked. "Why are you staring at me weirdly?" I questioned the black haired boy. "Oh, no reason. You're just... so gorgeous." He complimented me, leading to me putting my forehead on his shoulder, a blush growing on my face, as well as a grin I was trying really hard to conceal.

"You know all of these compliments aren't needed." I stated, muffled by his blazer against my mouth. "I know. But I think you deserve them. Plus, my parents taught me to always speak the truth." Dylan replied, leading to my bronzed brown eyes shifting up to glance at him.

"I love you." I murmured, giving him a small peck on the lips. The black haired boy furrowed his eyebrows. "That's it?" He quizzed, referring to the ever so small kiss I just gave him. I chuckled and pulled Dylan in one more time for a longer one.

"So, you want to try the snacks to see if they are any better than the cafeteria food?" I questioned, which he responded with a nod, letting go of my sides. "You wait here." The black haired boy suggested and walked away, leading to me standing alone at the corner of the room since we were pretty close to the sides in the first place.

"Hey princess." I heard a masculine, raspy voice say. I ignored it, not realising the guy was talking to me. "Y'know, it's rude to ignore." The voice spoke again, leading to me turning my head to see who was talking.

A boy with green-ish blue eyes and curly dark brown hair came to sight. He was staring straight at me, leading to me knitting my eyebrows together in confusion of the pet name.

"Do I know you?" I asked, voice laced with disgust. The boy huffed, holding a hand out for me to shake. "Vernon Harris, but you can call me Vern." The boy, that I now know is called Vernon, introduced himself, leading to a breathy laugh escaping my lips at the stupid nickname he has.

I shook his hand since that was the nice thing to do, but in all honesty, I really didn't want to. He just didn't look like he would have good intentions. But don't judge a book by the cover, am I right? "Sienna Millers." I greeted him.

"So... what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" Vernon quizzed, a sly look in his eyes. "Oh! Uhm, I'm actually here with my boyfriend." I answered, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend' to make sure he heard it.

The dark haired boy just scoffed walking closer to me. I stumbled back a bit, not wanting to be close to him. Instead of taking the sign to leave though, Vernon just walked even closer. "Well, do you want to have this dance?" The blue eyed boy questioned, holding a hand out for me to hold yet again.

I shoved him away slightly, not wanting to seem too aggressive. "I told you I have a boyfriend!" I shrieked, raising my voice slightly, but not enough for people to turn to look at us. Vernon's eyes widened, but his look of shock was soon replaced with a smug one as a wide smirk grew on his face.

Once again, he walked to my side, leading to me opening my pastel purple clutch; which by the way, matched my shoes. Now the purple of it made more sense.

Vernon's hand snaked around my waist, pulling me incredibly close to him. "Well ditch him. I'm so much better." The dark haired boy mumbled quietly so only I could hear him. "No." I uttered out, glaring at his head.

"C'mon. He doesn't have to know." He urged once again. "I said no!" I sternly exclaimed, grabbing pepper spray out of my clutch and spraying it in his eyes. "Agh! What the fuck!" Vernon screeched, immediately reaching his hand up to cover his eyes that were shut tightly. The dark haired boy ran out of the gym to, probably, the bathroom, to clean it out.

Me, on the other hand, exhaled loudly, not realising I had been holding my breath the entire time. "Hey, I got some of their mini sandwiches, they aren't that bad actually. You should try som-- Sienna?" Oh thank God, Dylan was back.

"Are you alright?" The black haired boy asked, noticing my startled look. I just simply nodded. "Hey, what's wrong?" Dylan asked again. "I-- uh, this guy, he wanted to dance with me. Even after I said no, h-- he still continued trying to convince me. He e-- even put a hand on my waist, and pulled me... so close to him." I explained, my voice cracking slightly at the end.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. It's not what the guy did that made me want to cry, it was the thought of something like this happening again that scared me. I mean, my parents have always taught me that the world was a dangerous place. I never actually considered that people from my school, a place I feel safe in-- at least used to feel safe in-- could have people like this.

Nothing actually happened today, due to there being a lot of people. I had pepper spray with me as well. But what if it happens again? What if I am all alone and can't defend myself? What would happen then? What should I do? What would happen to me?

And it also made me question how easy I am. Do I really seem no more than just an object? Something you could just walk up to and pick up? Am I really so worthless? Does everyone see me like that?

Dylan must've noticed my watery eyes and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a warm hug. "It's ok, it's ok. Where is the guy now?" The black haired boy cooed, pulling away to look into my eyes.

"Oh! Uh, he's probably in the bathroom. I-- I pepper sprayed him." I stammered, wiping my eyes before the tears could come out (thank God I wore water-proof maekup). Dylan just smiled at me, cupping my face with both of his hands. "That's my girl." I heard him mutter under his breath, kissing my forehead right after.

"Now you want to try the mini sandwiches? They are actually really good. It could cheer you up." The blue eyed boy offered, leading to me chuckling a bit and nodding. "I would love that."


1146 words (edited)

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