Chapter 41 - Maeva's Birthday Pt. 3

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Italics is flashback


TW: Divorced parents, depression, swearing, underage drinking, alcohol, swearing


Chapter 41

May 14, Thursday

Maeva's POV

I looked up, noticing the stunned looks on the faces of the people surrounding me. "I got into 'Michigan College'." I repeated, louder this time. "Oh my God! I got into the best college in the state!" I called out, a smile creeping onto my face as I stood up from the excitement.

Nate pulled me into a big hug, which I returned without hesitation. After I let go of him, I embraced Sienna. She wrapped her arms around me warmly as well. I was so happy that I even hugged Kathrin, even if she only responded by just patting my head.

The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted my small celebration. I glanced towards the sound to locate Remington. All of my happiness and excitement completely made me forget about how he was still here.

"I-- I'm proud of you." He uttered out. I gave him a small smile, no longer feeling the hatred I had towards him. Ok, that was a lie. I haven't fully forgiven him yet. I mean, I can't just forgive him like that. It would take more than this to make me not mad at him anymore.

"Why didn't you just tell me over the phone?" I quizzed, clutching onto the paper tightly. "Well, as I've said, I wanted to see you. You probably don't believe me, but I do love you." He explained. I could see his hazel eyes turning slightly glossy from tears.

Remingto-- my dad cleared his throat once again, standing up from the sofa, holding onto his satchel tightly. "I-- I have to go. I have a flight to England in two hours." The bald man declared, looking at me apologetically. Which I returned with an understanding nod.

He turned to walk to the door, and set his hand on the handle. Before he twisted the door knob, the man turned to look at me. "Maybe you would like to hang out sometime. To catch up?" I nodded slightly at his offer. He gave me a small grin, soon walking out.

Nathaniel's POV

It's honestly crazy how Maeva got into the best college in the state a year before she actually needed to graduate. Wait, would've she have to get a graduation ceremony thing? It should be fine though, her mom would probably host a huge party or something. Well I guess her studying hard for years paid off. Being a nerd isn't that bad I guess.

As much as I was extremely happy for Maeva at the time, not just for getting into 'Michigan College', but also for her getting to see her dad again, I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I couldn't quite put my finger on what I was feeling. There was a bit of sadness. And a hint of anger. But they were all buried away, seeing as the main thing I was feeling at the moment covered all of it. It was... jealousy? No, that can't be. I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous?

It's true, my dad did leave me, but he didn't leave because of me. He got divorced with my mom. I mean he does still care about me. Of course he does. He is my dad after all. Even if he hasn't visited me yet after he left. He hasn't called yet either, but I'm sure there is a reason. My dad wouldn't just leave me like that. He loves me. He'll come back. I'm sure he will.

And that's when it hit me. What if he doesn't? I mean, it happened to Maeva, what are the odds it would happen to me? Does he not care about me anymore? Does he not love me? I'm not strong like Maeva. I drink my problems away. I can't take this pain. I can't live the next eleven years without him.

Who's going to be there for when I graduate highschool? Who's going to be there to congratulate me on my wedding? To tell me that I've finally become the man he's been waiting years for me to become? Who's going to teach me how to take care of my kids when I do have them?

What if he doesn't just abandon me for eleven years? What if it's longer? What if he never comes back? And the last time I saw him was when I was drunk. And the last words I spoke to him were out of anger.

"You should fucking leave already! You're barely fucking around anymore! What's the point of a father if he isn't even present?"

Who's going to teach me how to be a man? Oh how much I want to get drunk right now. I want to drink like there is no tomorrow. I can't live without my dad. The mere thought of it scares the shit out of me.

My doubting thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling out my name. "Nate. Nate! Nate? Nathaniel!" I finally snapped out of it to be welcomed by the sight of Maeva. "What's wrong? You zoned out. Are you ok?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I nodded frantically, looking down at my feet. "Can I talk to you for a moment? Alone." I asked the girl with curly brunette hair, which was now straightened. "Yeah sure." She responded. I led the both of us out of the door to the front yard.

"What's up?" Maeva quizzed, putting her hands into the small pockets of her white jeans. "Ok, so we've been fake dating for a while, right?" I started, nervously rubbing my fingers to ease the tension. "Yeah?" She replied, more of a question than a statement, a confused look hung on her face.

"Well, I've been thinking. We both had feelings for each other at some point, am I right?" I continued, hoping that she would nod, or reply with a 'yes', which she did, the confusion on her face only growing. "And, I--" I tried saying, but cut myself off by how nervous I was feeling. I could feel my heart pounding aggressively in my chest. "Here goes nothing." I muttered to myself.

"I still have those feelings for you. And it is totally fine if you don't like me back. I don't expect you to. But I still can't stop thinking about that night at the hospital. I like you, Maeva. A lot. And maybe, you would like to be my actual girlfriend? Like, I know Fischer is still a problem, but... he seems to be gone now; maybe he's finally leaving you alone. I mean we could totally take it slow as well. We can go on a date, or a few dates. Maybe then we can have labels. And--" She cut me off from my rambling and gave me a soft look, which I returned

"I do still like you Nate. A lot. But I'm still getting over everything that happened with Oskar, and I'm not quite ready for an official relationship yet. Maybe we could take it slow?" The brunette questioned. I nodded, smiling widely.

I stared into her chocolate brown eyes. She gazed into my sea blue ones. I rested a hand at the back of her neck, slowly leaning in. Her eyes fluttered close as my lips brushed against hers. She firmly pressed her lips against mine. I immediately kissed back.

Our lips fit together like two puzzle pieces that were meant to go together. They moved perfectly in sync, almost as if they were meant to be.

Though this kiss was different from the other three we have shared. It's not like the one on Christmas eve, which was just a small peck. It wasn't like the night at the hospital-- I mean, we were interrupted mid-way as well. Neither was it like that day at school-- we only kissed at the time to fuck with the heads of both of our past partners.

This time it was sweet, and loving. Wait, that's it. It was loving. What does that mean? How do I really feel towards her? I know it is definitely more than liking. Do I love her? Was that it? Do I love Maeva? I mean, I've never felt like this before. I love her. I love Maeva. I love Maeva Renolds!


138 words (edited)

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