Chapter 45 - Prom Pt. 3

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TW: Slight mentions of alcohol, swearing


Chapter 45

June 30, Tuesday

Maeva's POV

Dylan, Nate, Sienna, Kathrin and I left to get to the school for prom. I had my arm linked with Nate as Sienna held hands with her boyfriend while Kathrin just awkwardly walked behind us. Sadly, alone.

"Are you excited?" Nate asked, turning his head to look at me. "Very." I simply answered, a grin breaking out on my face due to me not being able to conceal my excitement. "Are you?" I retorted, cocking my head towards my right to look at the blonde boy.

"Hmm... mep." He replied, me gasping dramatically and faking an offended look. "What! Why not?" I shrieked. "I didn't say I wasn't. I just don't feel that excited, that's all." My boyfriend explained.

"But it's going to be fun." I squealed out. "Well there's only going to be dancing. There isn't even going to be drinks with alcohol." Nate complained, knitting his eyebrows together at the thought. "Wow, you can't have alcohol? You're suffering so much." I sarcastically replied, which he rolled his eyes at in response. "Either way, there is more than that." I then said.

"There is going to be a prom king or queen. Imagine how much of a popularity boost that would be." I said, more to myself then him. "What do you mean 'or'?" Nate questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh yeah, the teachers didn't really understand what to do after they picked both a queen and king, so they just decided to do one." I explained, leading to him uttering an 'oh'.

"Well I'm sure they are definitely going to pick you." Nate complimented, which led to a blush forming on my face. "Ah, who am I kidding. They're picking me for sure." The blonde boy then joked. I just glared at him and laughed slightly. "As if."

Time skip

"Holy shit, this looks so cool." Nate muttered, looking around the well-decorated gym. We were a few minutes late since Kathrin had to go back home to bring some back up shoes just in case, and I quote, my feet dies. The room was filled with eleventh and twelfth graders more dressed up than I am used to, since most of these students couldn't care less about clothing.

"I know right." I responded to him. I glanced over at Sienna and Dylan, who held the same amazed look, as well as Kathrin, who was trying her best to hide it.

Time skip

Now, it was time to announce the prom queen or king. Everyone gathered around the stage at the front as Mrs. Brown went onto it, holding a mic in her right hand. "Hello juniors and seniors, welcome to the fiftieth annual prom." The principal started as the crowd emerged into clapping. "So I'm sure you probably don't really care for what I have to say, so let's just skip to the prom king or queen."

Everyone started clapping and cheering yet again, excited to see who would be chosen. "So, the prom king or queen is..." Mrs. Brown started saying. I was so excited yet nervous even though it wasn't that big of a thing.

Out of instinct, I grabbed onto Nate's hand, my other one anxiously fidgeting with the donut ring on my finger. The blonde boy glanced at our hands, chuckled a bit, and then squeezed it in response.

"...Maeva Renolds."

Time skip

'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley was being played while everyone was scattered around, either slow dancing or talking by the table with the snacks.

I was standing by the food, waiting for Nate to come back. Sienna was dancing with Dylan, and I had no idea where Kathrin was. But that was the least of my concerns at the moment. She could take care of herself.

"Hey princess." I heard a familiar voice say, leading to me snapping my head towards the blonde boy with blue eyes. I slightly blushed at the pet name and smiled widely. "Uhm, excuse me, I am a queen." I joked, pointing to the plastic crown on my head.

"Oh, I am sorry. Hello my queen." Nate corrected himself, emphasizing the word 'queen'. He bowed slightly, holding a hand out while the other one went behind his back.

"May I have this dance?" The blonde boy quizzed in a more sophisticated tone, his sea blue eyes looking up to scan my face. I pretended to pause and think, trying to bite back my grin. But failed as it spread wide on my face.

"Nah." I simply responded, laughing at his fake pout. "Well I'm not going to give you a choice." Nate then said, hastily grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the large crowd of people slow dancing. I playfully slapped his chest, laughing slightly. I then put both of my arms on his shoulders as his hands snaked down to rest on my hips.

I could feel butterflies emerge in my stomach. My heart fluttered and my cheeks turned crimson red. I caught his gaze and we held eye contact. Yet again, I looked into his beautiful sea blue eyes.

None of us said anything, the faint music in the background and his steady breath were the only things I could hear. My heartbeat became more rapid. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips for a split second, leading to my mouth parting.

He started slowly leaning in. I did so too, my chocolate brown eyes fluttering close in the process. I met him in the middle and our lips moved in sync. After a few seconds, our kiss was broken due to our need for air. "I love you." He breathed out in between pants. I could see his eyes widen and his eyebrows rose high. I mirrored his shocked look.

"I-- I... uhm. I'm sorry. I-- I-- It just slipped out. I didn't mean to just say it like that." The blonde boy stammered. He let go of my sides, my arms sliding off of his shoulders as well. I stood as still as a statue, mouth hanging open.

Nate said he loved me. Nate... loves me. Nate loves me! Holy shit-- Nate loves me! Oh my God. Wait... what do I do? Do I say it back? Of course I said it back! I'm such an idiot! Maeva, snap out of it.

My heart was beating unbelievably fast at that point. And that's when I finally snapped out of my daze to notice the blonde boy, face painted with worry. "I-- I love you too. And I have for so long. Holy crap, it's so nice to finally say it." I uttered out, the last part more to myself.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "And how long is so long?" Nate teased. I just gave him a glare, which led to him chuckling. The boy with sea blue eyes grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me into a long, passionate kiss.

Just like on my birthday, this kiss was filled with so many things. It was soft yet rough. Fast yet steady. And it was filled with love. I couldn't believe it. Nathaniel Stone, the guy who claimed to hate me for eleven years is my first love. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would merely even like him. But here we are. I guess that just proves that anything is possible.


1232 words (edited)

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