Chapter 47 | Royal Family Dinner Part I

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The Sun was setting quietly behind the clouds. It was sunset time and everyone was tired and exhausted from working all day long. Huang Dewei just finished his last session with Fu Heng. He greeted goodbye to his master as he turned over and walked out. The whole sessions with Fu heng had been tiring but successful. He learnt about royal customs, traditions and rules which would very useful for him after becoming the concubine. It was hard work but it will beneficial for him in coming future.  

Today he also practised how to walk and behave while wearing those heavy clothes and he was exhausted and worn out by the end. However, without wasting any time he went back to his room where a servant with another set of expensive clothes was waiting for him. He greeted him and took his clothes while the servant walked out.

Today in the evening, before the concubine ceremony which was taking place tomorrow, the royal family dinner was going to take place. He has to get ready for that dinner by tonight. He looked at the white clothes given to him and sighed. He hates wearing these expensive heavy royal clothes...It make me feel fake and elite which he was not. He walked and hang the clothes to the side then fell down on the bed and lay there staring blankly at the white ceiling. He wanted to get some rest...he will get ready in some time since there was still time before the royal dinner. 

Later in the evening, Huang Dewei got ready as he wore off fancy expensive clothes which were given to him. He brushed his hair which was growing back up slowly and looked at himself one last time when there was a knock on the door. The door was open and his family entered inside. They were also ready to wear their expensive luxury clothes. Most likely Wang Lei provided them since they can't afford that expensive clothes or jewellery just like Huang Dewei. 

'Look how beautiful these clothes are son.' His mother happily said as she showed him their clothes and Huang Dewei just smile in response. 

'I think we should be going now before we got late.' Daiyu said as she reminded them all not to be late for the royal dinner. With one gaze at each other, they all came out of his room and reached the royal palace hall where this family gathering was going to take place.  It was a small private gathering. Wang Lei was present alongside his father Wang Wei and the family members of Xin Ying, Chen Ju, An Cong and Huang Dewei.  It was a traditional dinner which usually takes before any wedding or concubine's ceremony for the Emperor where old family members welcomed the new family members. However, the way Huang Dewei and his family were getting treated by the present royal family, he was extremely nervous and prayed that everything went well for him. 

As he entered inside with his family, everyone present there ignored them. His family greeted others but no one welcomes them or even bother greeting them. Huang Dewei already felt misfit as he sighed. Wang Lei was the one who walked toward them and greeted them. He welcomes them and asked to them sit around the dining table. 

There was a huge wooden table in the middle. The table was filled with flowers and candle lights with place left for food to be served. The chairs around the table had names written on them to indicate which place was allocated for who. Each family was sitting together. Huang Dewei walked and sat down next to the first chair next to Wang Lei. Usually, after becoming his concubine he would be sitting at the end of the table since he was his last concubine, but today they were highlighted so he was sitting right next to him. Xin Ying with her parents were sitting right across from him and then An Cong's family was next to him while Chen Ju was next to Xin Ying's family. Wang Lei sat in the middle at the end of the table while Wang Wei sat at the other. 

'They all settle down on their chairs which were all decorated and made sure to make it comfortable for them to sit. They all have cushions in them and that's when Huang Dewei noticed that their chair had no cushions. Whoever arranged it did it on purpose, however, it was not like Huang Dewei and his family lived luxurious life so even though their chairs were not as comfortable he was still fine. But Qianfan noticed the same thing and he did not like that mistreatment.

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