Chapter 85| Journey to Lian Dynasty

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Ru Qin knocked on the door as he entered inside, and Wang Lei looked up at him. Ru Qin walked and stopped in front of him as he bowed down to him. Wang Lei stares at him emotionlessly...He was beyond angry, but he was trying his best to keep his calm.

'Forgive me, Lei.' Ru Qin said as he apologised and looked up at his angry face. He knew his mistake...he realised he had just caused him even more pain...he understood he stained their relationship even further instead of mending it.

'Do you think you deserve my forgiveness? Why did you do it, Ru Qin?' Wang Lei asked hurtfully, and Ru Qin felt even more guilty, but he stayed quiet. He can't tell him; his wife was behind all of this.

'Are you going to stay all silent over it?' Wang Lei screamed as he stood up and glared towards him while fuming with anger.

'Forgive me.' Ru Qin said he was still not telling him why he did it and Wang Lei breathed in and out to calm himself down.

'You are not forgiven neither you ever don't deserve my forgiveness.' Wang Lei said then turned over and walked away disappointedly. He stopped in front of his window and stares out while Ru Qin stares at his back in pain.

'Then at least tell me about the man you left me for... I need information about him to solve the current police officer case?' He heard Wang Lei asking softly after a few seconds and Ru Qin bit the inside of his lips since he wanted to help him because he was asking for it but he knew he can't...He wanted to tell him because helping him was the least he can do for him now but he was helpless.

'Not going to say anything again...did you ever care about me or even love me?' Wang Lei turned over and asked heartbrokenly and Ru Qin stares at him.

'Why are you protecting him? Why? I don't get it why are you protecting him when you still want me? What is it that you want Ru Qin?' Wang Lei asked

'I want you...I always loved you and always will.... I never love any other man.' Ru Qin slowly confessed and Wang Lei stares at him surprised and confused over his confession.

'What? You left me for someone betrayed me and now you are saying you never love anyone else.' Wang Lei asked puzzled

'Do you really think people from the palace would want me to be with you, Wang Lei? Do you think they accepted a poor slave like me being with you?' Ru Qin questioned and Wang Lei was shocked and stared at him because he was not asking the wrong question...Wang Lei never thought like this and who would have the most problem Wang Lei knew from the was his own father.

'Does that have something to do with my father?' Wang Lei asked slowly as his heart was rapidly beating inside his chest. He was not ready to hear the answer.

'Think bigger Wang Lei...there are more people involved. I can give you all the information about the man I betrayed you for, but it will not be helpful. He was just a pawn who took the money and pretended to be with me.' Ru Qin replied and Wang Lei stares at him.

'Then who?' Wang Lei whispered asking because all this new information was making him dizzy. Ru Qin was telling him things he never thought about...All his life he was in self-pity mode that Ru Qin betrayed him without even once thinking there could be more. The man who had always been madly in love with him suddenly betrayed him and not even once did he thinks there could be a foul play which he should have thought as an Emperor. If that case was about someone else, he knew he would have but he was too busy playing the victim card since it was about him.

'Find it yourself. I have no more information for you anymore.' Ru Qin said then he bowed down, greeted him and walked off in the hope that he will find everything himself.

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