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Ein stood in the void alone, his body ached and was drenched in his blood.
He would say his death was painful but to him it was a death he deserved.
He didn't know why he was waiting, maybe he was hoping that someone would be with him, he didn't like to be alone and the void was too quiet.
. . .
He didn't know why the depths of Hell hadn't shallowed him whole yet but all he could do was just wait.
. . .
Wait for what?
Ein didn't know.
"Why do you wait alone?"
Ein looked up, there in front of him was a lady in a beautiful purple dress with a darker purple and golden cloak drapped over her shoulders.
"I don't know."
The lady knelt down to Ein, Ein looked at his knees and not back at the lady in front of him.
. . .
"I sense much sadness from you, much sadness, regret and anger. . .", Ein hid his face in his knees,"You wouldn't understand. . . No one will ever understand. . .", Ein then felt arms around him, he realised the lady was. . . Hugging him.
When was the last time he had a hug?
Ein rested his eyes and melted into the hug, he was too tired to even try and keep his walls up.
"You poor soul, you were cursed with horrible parents and forced into their plans and thrown aside as soon as you were not useful anymore.", Ein kept his eyes close, trying to hold back tears at her words, they were hurtful because she was so calm and her voice reminded him of. . .
Of. . .
. . .
It didn't matter.
"What's the point. . . Of taking pity on, I'm dead and it's the end; So what."
. . .
Ein was then lifted off his feet, he was still being held by the lady and when he saw her face he froze.
"I-. . . Irene. . .?"
She smiled, she took Ein's hand and she walked him away from the gates of Heaven & Hell.
"Where are you taking me. . .?"
"I'm giving you a gift."
Now they were at another gateway, this gateway was different from The Heaven & Hell gates.
. . .
It seemed to lead to. . . An alter of some kind?
Irene opened the gates, and continued to lead Ein even though Ein's body was screaming for sleep, food and possibly to just give up.
Finally at the Alter, Ein held onto it for support and gasped for air, Irene stood the opposite side of the alter and watched as Ein's blood dripped into the water.
"My gift is what we call, The Gift Of Life, another chance at playing your cards if you would prefer."
Ein looked at her surprised,"W. . . What?", Irene nods, taking Ein's hands and seeing the very deep wounds and the blood gushing out still and staining her hands.
"Though, there are conditions to this and I promise it is not to make you suffer."
Irene took a deep breath and used the Alter Water to pour in his hands and making Ein shudder.
"Your scars will not fade, they will be as clear as day and you will remember everything of your life."
Ein shuddered, so this was a case he always read about of people remembering their past life but being seen as crazy but this was going to happen to him.
. . .
"Is it to remind me of what not to become. . . Reminder of who I've hurt. . ."
. . .
"I recommend you see the good in the offer,  but I suppose so. . ."
Irene took his hand, leading into the light and in fear he gripped her hand a little harder.
"Do not fear, you will be okay and I will always be by your side as I, Irene, will protect every soul."
And everything went white and quiet.


"This is rare and not explainable."
The parents were taken it back by the child, the child had many scars all over their body, they weren't open wounds but it looked like a knife or even a sword cut through his skin and the cuts never closed properly.
"Do you have any recommendations of what we can do about the scars?"
"Scars tend to fade over time, but if you're concerned about any infection getting in the wounds I recommend covering them with plasters."
. . .
The father looked at his wife, who nods,"Of course. . . We'll do what we can for our baby.", the doc nods and makes a few notes and appointments for later on when the child is older and to examine the unexplained wounds.

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