◇Chapter 17: The Final Battle◇

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Zach fought his daughter while Elizabeth handled Chris, which wasn't as easy as she thought it was going be as he seemed to handle magic well and appeared to be more physical as he dodged more and was able to block her attacks, or most of them he wasn't quick and it didn't help that his vision was starting to get crap because of the smoke and fire!
So Chris could play defence, he could hear Aphmau yelling at her father, all sorts of things were coming out of her mouth and she had aright to be mad because he was one of the worst Fathers in the world!
"I am getting annoyed with you, only playing defence!"
Chris smirked, having an idea, if he feed her anger he could get rid of her the way he needs to.
"Too bad, you'll need to find another way to take me down."


Lucinda grabbed the book from Katelyn,"We need to find the others and tell them!", they darted out the door, seeing many guards running through the halls and, so Lucinda and Travis were ready to fight.
Lucinda used spells and Travis used potions while Katelyn and Dante used swords and bows, well Dante was trying to use the bow while Katelyn was just destroying everyone and releasing her anger!
"Was that a lady screaming?"


Chris paused.
"Did she-?"
Zach looked over the edge seeing Elizabeth on the ground, she wasn't moving but she was yelling on pain, Aphmau took this opportunity to lash at her father's eye and knock him down,"AHHHH!!!", Aphmau watched him fall, hitting the ground hard and was not too far from Elizabeth.
. . .
"Are they dead?"
"No, they probably broke their backs, but they ain't getting up any time soon."
Aphmau looked at Chirs, seeing her was only now putting his glasses on,"Well. Least they won't be getting back up.", Chris pulled out rope,"You got tie them up, I'm gonna go put TNT around the building.", Chris gave her the rope and ran downstairs,"Wait!", he stopped and turned back,"Yes?", Aphmau shuffled her feet,"Thank you. . .", Chris smiled,"No worries.", and he bottled down the stairs still spreading the TNT and the red stuff.


Zach and Elizabeth couldn't move or fight against Aphmau as she tied them up and dragged them to the portal.
Aphmau then sprinted back for her friends.


Aaron punched Gene through a wall, he turned and Aphmau ran in,"Aphmau!", Zane finished tying up his parents with Kawaii~Chan's help,"Where's Zach, Elizabeth and Chris?!", "They're at the portal and Chris is spreading TNT around the place.", as she said that he ran in covering the place in TNT,"GUYS!", Katelyn ran in with the others,"Katelyn!", "Where's Garroth?!?", then they all heard the clashing of swords.


Garroth was knocked up, he was shocked and in fear of Lawrence!
Lawrence was stronger than he had realised and with his rage, it probably made it worse and Lawrence wasn't holding back!
He turned his attention to behind Lawrence and saw Katelyn running along Netherrack with a book in her hands,"YOU NEED TO TALK TO HIM!", "HE'S NOT IN A TALKING MOOD KATELYN!", Garroth dodged another swing of his sword, Katelyn opened the book,"SHADOW KNIGHTS NEED TO BE CALMED, THE DEMON INSIDE OF THEM IS LKKE A RAGE DEMON THAT CAN BE TAMED BUT YOU NEED TO CALM HIM DOWN; HE'LL ONLY LISTEN TO YOU!!", Garroth realised what he had to do, he turned to Lawrence and stood up and threw the sword in the lava,"Give up?", Garroth turned to him, he took a deep breath,"Lawrence, I need you to take a moment and calm yourself, you're letting the rage blind you of what's happening.", Lawrence grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up, the others held their breath and Aaron was ready to step in.
"Lawrence. . . Control it."
Garroth reached for Lawrence, Lawrence stared at Garroth.
. . .
Lawrence suddenly dropped Garroth, he shut eyes and growled through his teeth, grabbing his hair.
"Lawrence fight it!. . ."
"I. . . I can't. . ."
Garroth hugged Lawrence,"It's okay. . . I'm here, we're all here. . . We're not going to abandon you again.", Lawrence felt safe. . . He rested his eyes and took deep breaths as Garroth held him.


Chris was smiling as he got out his pack of matches,"This is going to be a really good one!", Garroth and Zane got Lawrence out of the guard suit and luckily, thankfully, he had his normal clothes under it.
"Wait, what about Gene and-?"
They turned back to the castle and saw a huge monstrous rage Demon!
. . .
Chris quickly lit a match, he lit the string and ran to the others,"GO, GO, GO!!", they dragged their parents through the portal and the others followed screaming.

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