◇•Mermaid/Siren AU 2/3•◇

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The Sea Witch was a very beautiful creature, but Ein glared as his grip tightened around his trident,"What brings you close to the reef, this is not your usual destination.", Lucinda smiled,"Oh, sightseeing and looking for ingredients for my potions and food, when I saw two little Mermaids.", she pointed to Aphmau and Moeka, who held each other in fear of The Sea Witch,"Quite uncommon for Mermaids to be out this late and this far from their homes, but I'm sure they're perfect for my next potion.", they began to shake, Ein swam in front of them which surprised Lucinda,"Protecting the them?", "I may be a Siren, but no Sea Creature deserve to be in your presence. And you are in my territory.", Ein's trident lit up, hearing thunder and looking up it looked like the sea was becoming rough.
"If you Mermaids have any power, I'd ask you would help me with this Witch."
Aphmau did have a bit of magic to her, not strong but enough to hold her weight but Moeka had no magic.
. . .
"Let's see what you got, little Mermaid."


Ein was quite powerful to Aphmau's surprise, he either struck her with lightening or with the sharp blades of the trident.
Aphmau had the ability to manipulate Sea plants so she used it so seaweed to try and keep Lucinda's movements slow and give Ein time to attack her many times as he can.
She sent them backwards, Ein managed to save himself while Aphmau hit Moeka, Lucinda smiled,"So, let's play a game!", she tired to zap Ein a few times but he blocked and dodges each zap so she turns to Aphmau and Moeka and zapped them!
Once he was distracted, Lucinda zapped him and hit him in the arm, soon the waves and the ocean began to get more rough and then they saw why.
. . .
Before anyone could swim away, Lucinda sent underwater tornados and sent Aphmau, Moeka and Ein in different directions of the ocean.


. . .
Aphmau woke up, she was laying in a patch of seaweed and she felt. . . Odd.
"Huh. . .? What. . .?"
She sat up, she noticed she was alone and she felt odd still, she swam up and noticed her arms were covered in scales, this freaked it out because only Sirens had scales.
She looked at her tail, and her tail was different,"W-What happened to me. . .?!", she wanted to scream or cry, but she was confused with the changes of her form.
. . .
"Aphmau. . ."
She looked up and she froze.
"Moeka. . ."
Both were no longer Mermaids, but they were Sirens.
"It must have been the Sea Witch!", Aphmau recalled everything, she glared,"Dammit! Wait- What about Ein?", "I don't know! He got sent into a different direction. But. . .", she was holding his trident, Aphmau grew worried but they had bigger issues.
They couldn't go home, how would they explain what happened?!
. . .
"We need to find Ein, so we can find a way to turn ourselves back to normal before any of our friends sees."
Moeka nods, Aphmau took the trident and holding hands with Moeka as they swam deep into the ocean.


"MY SHIP!!!"
Noi watched as his captain cried over the ship, Noi sighed and shook his head and guessed the reason Pirece was acting this way was from the rum he drank before the storm pick up.
Noi faceplammed, at least they weren't stranded in the middle of nowhere like the last time.
Noi shook his head, he saw a few crew members,"Okay, let's scavenge for supplies and look for other crewmates or injuries passengers.", the crew nods and go to work, Noi walked past Pirece, who was still bawling like a child over the ship, and the ship wasn't that damaged to even begin with!


Noi walked around the shore, stepping over planks, barrels or crates they had on board or were apart of the ship.
Noi was just dreading the night, as he would have to listen to Pirece cry about the boat for hours on end and that wasn't something he wasn't looking forward to.
Who would be-?!?
Then Noi noticed something, there was someone on the shore!
Noi ran over, wondering if someone got injured during the storm, a crewmate or passenger.
As he got closer, he pulled the planks off them and realised this wasn't someone he didn't recognise the man.
His hair was the shade or black, blue and a stroke of grey in his hair, he was wearing a white shirt, shorts and looked to have been scratched up from the storm or the coral, but there seemed to be blood soaking through the shirt sleeve.
Noi immediately took action, he threw the man's over his shoulder and carrying him back to Pirece and the crew.


"Is he alive. . .?"
"Obviously, Dante, he's breathing and I think we got most of the Sea water out of his system."
"Who even is he?"
"I have no idea."
Ein heard voices around him, he didn't feel like he was in water anymore and felt something was wrong or different.
Ein heard people walking out while talking, then hearing something close, so Ein slowly opened his eyes and found himself most definitely not in the water anymore.
. . .
Slowly, he felt the strength in his arms to pull himself up and found himself in a small room and in a. . . What humans called, a bed.
But how did he get here?
. . .
He remembered the Mermaids, Lucinda and how all three of them were struck by her.
That's when Ein realised what was wrong, if he was out of water and someone helped him into a bed.
. . .
He looked at the blanket and noticed no indication of a tail under the blanket but two human legs.
. . .
Ein could almost see red, he was going to kill-
The door opened.
"And- Oh!"
Ein now saw a brown or ginger haired human with Amber like eyes, he immediately recognised his wear as a First Mate on a Ship.
He smiled,"You're awake sir! Sorry, I know you must be confused and you sgave us a scare when we found you weren't breathing.", the human put down a box of looked to be medical stuff, he reached in a pulled out a few things then turned to Ein,"I'm Noi, First Mate Of Captain Pirece!", Ein thought about saying his name, but he didn't trust this human.
. . .
Noi smiled as he walked over,"Nice to meet you, Chris.", his shirt sleeve was rolled up, Ein then noticed a burn on his arm and Noi wrapped a bandage around it, Chris slightly hissing at the pain,"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.", "What. . . Happened. . .?", Noi looked up,"Well, a storm hit yesterday and I guess you were on shore when our boat crashed.", Noi finished wrapping a bandage around his arm,"But you're in safe hands now! I asked Kestin to prepare some new clothes for you and the essentials.", Noi smiled and left Chris to think and rest.
. . .


Lucinda chuckled as she watched through the orbs of her victims.
"Oh, it has been a while since we got mess around like! Two Sirens coming to find me and a Past Siren stuck as a human!"
Lucinda smiled, she was ready for when those two showed face and she was interested to see how Ein was going to handle this.

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