◇Chapter 12: Forced TeamWork◇

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"Are you sure Aph."
Chris searched his pocket and pulled out a pair of glasses, putting them on he took the book from Garroth,"You have glasses?", "Yes, they're my reading glasses because my vision is crap. I don't wear them all the time cause I have contacts, which I lost a while ago.", this interested Aphmau, did Ein also have bad vision?
The Forever Potion could do a lot, so it's a huge possibility but at least he wasn't evil this time.
. . .
"Okay, according to the journal and history book; You'll need to get to the Nether.", "The Nether?", Chris nods,"Basically; Hell.", Aphmau sighed, Aaron fixed his hood,"We don't even know how to get there-", "Oh, I do!", they all turn to Chris, who was smiling as he closed the book,"Myself and my friends go there often, to also get to the right coordination of their location.", Chris didn't even realise they were staring at him in shock and wonder, who casually says they go to The Nether like it's normal?!?
"You. . . Go to The Nether. . . With friends?"
Chris nods as he sits at the table,"Yeah, it's where you can a lot of cool mobs and items, like gold and Fortresses left behind by who knows who, although to warn ya The Nether is a very, very hot place like there is lava so I wouldn't go in sporting armour or a sweater unless you got really good heat resistance.", Aphmau sat across from him,"Friends?", "Yeah, my friends.", Chris took out his phone and gave it to Aphmau, her friends and herself looked at the many pictures of his friends.
"We all live far from MyStreet, but we're all happy and go on pretty crazy adventures that if I told any of you, you'd never believe me."
Chris stood up and grabbed a geography book,"Anyway, I can take your right to The Nether!", Chris headed out of the Library, it was still raining but the others followed him outside.


"Are you sure."
"Yes, Katelyn."
They all watched Chris walk around their street, he wasn't bothered by the rain and had chalk in his hand.
Lucinda was really suspicious of him, but trusted Aphmau and Aaron.
"Should be right here."
Chris drew a circle around himself, he smiled to himself as he took out more stuff and seemed to be measuring something out.
"What is he doing. . ."
"No idea."
"Wait-Did he make a portal."
Chris took out a Flint & Steel, after a few strikes the portal lit a purple aura!
"I did it! One portal to The Nether, as you ordered!"
They all started at him, they had never seen someone make a portal so flawlessly!
Chris walked back over to them, trying to readjust the raincoat that was given to him by Aphmau,"Although, I am surprised that the coordination is right outside Garroth's house, who told you guys these homes?", "It was our mom.", "Ah.", Chris nods, finding that kind of suspicious especially since both their parents were arrested for what happened on Starlight, at least their involvement of The Forever Potion and The Ultimate.
"We should go when the rain completely stops, you don't wanna go in The Nether soaked, you may dry up quickly but your clothes become uncomfortable really quickly."


Inside, Chris gave Aphmau the raincoat back possibly catch the cold because he was sniffling a lot.
Chris stayed away from the group of people, his hair was driving him mad because he was drenched and he regretted not going to get it tied when Aphmau offered to cut his hair.
Curse himself and his stubborn pride and ego!
Chris checked his phone, it was a text from Jess making sure he was alright as the storm was kind of bad and still is, he texted back to not worry and just to let her know he ain't dead.

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