◇Chapter 22: Camp Fire◇

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"This isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be bad."
The home they got was very nice, it was full of the stuff they need like food, a bathroom, kitchen and even had spare clothes.
"Yeah it is, but. . . I dunno why, but I have this sinking feeling.", Aaron urged to Aphmau,"Maybe it's because of the other portals or hubs, as Chris called it.", Aphmau nods,"Yeah, maybe.", Dante leaned over,"Well, maybe we should check it out?", they stared at Dante like they were asking him if he was being serious.
"Do you need to be refreshed about the fact the one in light blue, Pirece, came out of the portal on fire?!"
"Besides, Chris even said it as best to not go in, and honestly I'd trust him after seeing Pirece come out on fire, helping us finally take down Zach and Elizabeth, I would definitely listen to him.", Aaron nods,"I agree with Aphmau.", Katelyn glared at Dante,"You better not mess with the portals, last thing I want is to through more portal hopping.", Dante sighed and flopped on the bed,"Fine. . .!", Aphmau nods,"Good.", then a knock came, Katelyn went to the door as Aphmau and Aaron were making sure Dante swore that he would not go near those hubs or portals.
Katelyn opened the door to Moeka, holding a cake,"Hi! I brought you guys cake!", Katelyn smiled and took the cake,"Oh, thank you.","Of course! Also, Jessica has invited you to join our camp fire tonight. We're gonna be singing songs and telling stories.", Katelyn gave her a thumbs up,"Sounds nice, of course.", Moeka smiled and skipped off, Katelyn closed the door,"Hey, we got cake and an invite to join a camp fire.", Aphmau smiled,"That sounds great! So we can get to know more about them!", Aaron nods,"Yeah.", Dante was just a little disappointed that they didn't get to snoop around.


"And that's how Aphmau accidentally turned into a Werewolf back when we opened a cafe."
Aphmau had a playful glare,"I would have turned back to normal if Lucinda wasn't asleep and just answered the door!", the group was laughing, Aphmau was laughing herself, Noi smiled as he went through his phone,"Let's see, what sing should we sing next?", Jessica then began to jump and and down in excitement, Jason laughed as she turned to Chris,"Hellfire! Sing Hellfire!", Dante back up,"Hellfire?", "The Disney song from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame.", Dante oohed, Chris stood up and put more wood on the fire,"Sure thing, but I'm gonna act this out.", he turned to Aphmau and her friends,"Fair warning, I sound VERY different when I sing.", this actually got everyone interested, especially when they saw Jessica's excitement.
Chris cleared his throat.


It was almost enchanting.
He was completely different when singing, the fact he was acting it out made the performance much better!
The fire added to it, Chris was really full of surprises in his new life!
Chris finished singing, taking deep breaths to regain his breath from that.
. . .
Chis sat down, laughing as Aphmau leaned forward a bit as she clapped,"I had no idea you could sing like that!? Excuse me!!", Kestin laughed,"He was apart of the choir and performanced in a few plays and he does cover songs on his channel.", "Yep, here it is!", "Wait-NO DON'T SHOW THEM!", Chris made a failed attempt to grab Jessica's phone which made everyone laugh.
They were all getting along!
Although, Dante was just eyeing all the different hubs around the woods and was more curious about what was on the other side.

**I highly recommend checking out Chris's Channel as his cover songs are amazing!**

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