◇Chapter 15: A Plan◇

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"Okay, so water will immediately evaporate so can't find water with fire."
Chris crossed it out on the board, he wrote up a whole bunch of suggestions on the board.
"Your best bets will be weapons like swords and bows. Bows especially, you don't wanna get to know the mobs of The Nether.", Aphmau nods, Zane was taking notes as Dante was getting updated by Aaron and Travis.
"So, how do we save Gene and our friends.", "Not sure, Shadow Knights are deadly and definitely have the worst anger problems in the world.", that got Aphmau more concerned, Chris stepped back from the board,"Okay, so maybe we should have different groups; One group deals with curing the Shadow Knights, another group has to handle Zach, Elizabeth and your parents, and the final group finds Lawrence before I blow the Palace with TNT.", Zane turned to Chris,"TNT?", Chris nods,"Yep! Dynamite! You want something gone forever and permanently? Just blow it up and hope the message is delivered.", Zane and Aphmau slowly step away from Chris, going over to their friends.


"As much as I hate to say it, Ein-Or Chris, he may be in the right to blow it up.", Katelyn stared at Lucinda in shock,"What?!", Lucinda nods,"If we blow it up, then they'll have no base or resources to go back to and it means they'll have nothing left and if we're lucky the TNT will knock them out and we can get the police to arrest them at last.", Garroth groaned, Travis shuddered,"I just don't wanna know where he gets all that TNT from.", "I don't, think any of us want to find out.", Aaron looked over at Chris, noticing he was already making sticks of TNT,"Guess it's an easy craft for him.", some turned to Chris and seeing him put each stick of it in his bag.
. . .
"I'm concerned."


"Ready as we'll ever be."

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