◇Chapter 20: Peace At Last◇

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Chris walked down the street of people, he was listening to the news on his phone, he was smiling seeing his past life's tormentors behind bars although he did hope Zane and Garroth would be okay as their parents did kind of get arrested for what they had done too.
. . .
He turned back, running to him was Aphmau,"Aphmau?", she took a minute to catch her breath,"Are. . . Are you leaving?", Chris looked at the docks, then back at her,"Well, yeah I have business and I was only staying in a few days.", soon he saw Aaron catch up,"Why ask?", Aphmau sighed,"I just want to thank you for helping us out, even if it was no longer your business.", Chris chuckled,"If anything, I get into unexplainable situations all the time, so if anything it wasn't anything new.", Aaron frowned,"Something tells me is isn't the first you used TNT.", "And it won't be the last.", Aphmau took out her phone,"Uh, well would you like to stay in contact?", Chris thought about it, he shrugged and took out his phone,"Sure why not? What have I got left to lose.", so they exchanged numbers, Aaron smiled,"Have a safe Trip.", Chris nods, he give a wave before heading up to the boat,"Wait!", Aphmau rushed after him and gave him a hug, it caught him off guard but he hugged back.
. . .
"Thank you."
Aaron and Aphmau watched him get on the boat and head off, Chris turned back and waved and they waved back smiling.
. . .
"He's better and happier."
"Yeah. . ."


Lawrence had a headache,"Irene. . . It feels like each time I get mad I feel like someone has hit me with brick.", Garroth chuckled, this was going to take some getting use to but no one had the guts to tell Lawrence how his eyes turn red each time he gets mad.
No one had the guts.
Zane shook his head, Kawaii~Chan was hugging him to comfort him after the whole parent arrest thing.


They were playing Mario Party again, Jason was the camera man dressed as the Mario Character that held the camera in Mario Kart.
Noi watched as Pirece chased Corinne around after he landed on a Bowser Space, Jessica was just dying of laughter while Noi was just watching and wondering what he was going to do with them at times.
Chris heard his phone go off, he reached into his pocket and pulled ot his phone, seeing a text from Aphmau.

'Dante is crying in a corner because he's still single.'
The next was attached to a picture of Dante sitting in a corner with his back turned, but he saw Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn and Lucinda trying to hold back Lawrence's sister, who was in a rage in the picture because from what he could tell in the picture Garroth kissed Lawrence, which caught Lawrence off guard.
. . .

'My ship!'
Chris chuckled.

'To make Dante feel better, I'm still single so make him feel better.'

Chris put his phone again,"Your roll!", Chris took out his dice and his eyes on the golden star.

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