◇•Controlling Anger•◇

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Garroth woke to the sound of banging, he sat up and listened to the banging.
. . .
"Oh boy. . ."
Garroth got up, putting on socks and putting a jumper on and leaving his room while still waking up.


Garroth came to Lawrence's door, he opened it slowly and peaked inside and saw Lawrence punching the wall.
. . .
Garroth entered and closed the door after him,"Lawrence. . .", Lawrence stopped, Garroth noticed the wall was now dented and cracked.
Lawrence turned to Garroth, his eyes were red but he had tears in his eyes,"Garroth. . .", Garroth hugged Lawrence,"What's wrong, was it a nightmare. . .?", "Y-Yeah. . .", Garroth hugged Lawrence, who immediately hugged back shaking,"It's okay. . . ", "I hurt you. . . I hurt the others. . .", Garroth shook his head,"No, no. . . It isn't your fault, you would never hurt us willing. . .", Lawrence hid his face in Garroth's shoulder, Garroth sat Lawrence down on the bed and held him close to comfort him.
"It's okay. . . I'll help you through this. . ."


"Morning, you two sleep alright?"
Garroth and Lawrence looked up from breakfast at Zane,"Yeah, we slept alright. How about you?", Zane shrugged,"It was alright.", Lawrence was more quiet than usual but it was still early.
. . .


"Lawrence, hey."
Lawrence looked at Garroth, he smiled,"I'm here to help you, okay?", Garroth kissed Lawrence on the cheek, Lawrence smiled and hugged Garroth,"I love you.", "Love you too.", so they relaxed and watched TV for the day.

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