◇Chapter 1~ Childhood◇

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This is so odd.
He looked at his bedroom door, finally after he relearned how to read and write he could read what was on his door.
. . .
'Chris Galway'
So, his name was Chris now?
He was at least 4 years old now, what surprised his parents and many other parents of how mature he was because he never threw fits, he never misbehaved and never disobeyed any adult.
He opened the bathroom door and dragged a stool to the sink and stood up to look in the mirror.
. . .
Despite have a different name, I look exactly the same but with a different name.
Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing, but he had nightmares of his memories of being Ein.
He remembered everything.
Aaron's Eyes. . . Blaze falling to the ground. . . The Forever Potion. . .
"Chris, time to go to daycare."
Chris jumped down and rushed to the voice of his mom, she had his backpack ready and lunch box,"Chris, do you want to bring your dog?", she held up a stuff dog, he smiled and nods as he held it close, she smiled as they went outside hand in hand and walked to the Daycare.
His parents were nice people, nicer than he had expected them to be as they always gave him love and care, he thought if he made one mistake they would hit him or make him drink another Forever Potion but no, they never did.
Also he had to wear a bunch of plasters to hide his open scars though he couldn't hide the ones on his face but his parents either said it was a medical thing or he was a very active outside.
. . .
They weren't entirely wrong tho-


"I shall defeat you!"
It was 'Golden Time' this was a time of the day were kids get to play till their parents came to pick them up so it was near the end of the day.
And Chris guessed the whole class wanted to play dress up because a lot of them were dressed as Princesses, Kings, Queens, Dragons and Knights.
Chris was forced against his will to be dressed as a dragon, which he hated because the head accessory was annoying him, the fake tail was annoying him and it only made him question how the heck he and other werewolves had lived with ears and tails for so long.
. . .
He walked up to the teacher, who was surprised to see how uncomfortable he looked,"Miss. . . Do I have to play or, wear this. . .", the teacher noticed everyone was getting a little rough and he could see that Chris wasn't happy to be a dragon because he knew that the reason the class always had him be a dragon was because of his face scars.
"It's okay, Chris. You can do Golden Time in The Silent Room."
So Chris rushed to the room, as soon as he was inside and the door was closed he got the costume off and threw it in a chest.
Chris could still hear the other kids yelling and having fun, but he was just glad he was out of that ridiculous dragon costume.
So to pass the time, he sat on beanbag by the bookcase and looked for a book to read, he always avoided reading anything about Werewolves as it was the main root of his problems, but he read more about Witches and Wizards, he liked magic better than Mythical Creatures but there was no one in heck was he brewing any Potion!


There was also the countless doctor appointments.
Yeah, doctors were trying to figure out where the scars had came from as according to a doctor there seemed to be no problem during the pregnancy and there was the suggestions of the scars being a genetic thing but a nurse pointed out that the scars didn't look to be from a genetic condition because further inspection proved that it was like something sharp had pierced his skin.
But why?
Or how??

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