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a couple of days later it was wednesday, heeseung and jay were helping out at the restaurant for the afternoon

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a couple of days later it was wednesday, heeseung and jay were helping out at the restaurant for the afternoon. it wasn't really busy, but jay needed the distraction and heeseung knew it well enough. the past week and a half had made it quite clear.

jay usually woke up early, got ready, and went to school; and the moment he got back he cooked, ate and then did his homework ahead of time. he was productive to say the least; now, he barely made time to finish his assignments and when he woke up, he seemed so tired. like he had not slept at all.

it was unsettling for heeseung, so he tried to keep him busy. which did seem to work, except something strange had happened last saturday. he wasn't there, but jay told him that sunghoon and sunoo had gone there to eat and they were giving him sympathetic looks, something jay found eerie.

since jay didn't mention it again, though, heeseung didn't think much of it. they were cleaning, for it was almost closing time, when heeseung went to the break room and got distracted by a text from jake. he was too concentrated on his current conversation that he wasn't fazed by the sound of the mop dropping loudly to the floor. he really didn't go and see what had happened, figured jay had positioned the mop wrongly and it had inevitably fallen.

which isn't exactly what had happened.

jay was mopping the floor, next he only had to clean one table and he was done. suddenly someone walked in through the door, which obviously made jay sigh in frustration. he had just mopped the floor. but when he turned around to see who had come in, he froze. his heart broke at what he was seeing.

he walked three long steps forward and cupped jungwon's cheeks carefully, worried. he forgot about his emotional crisis completely.

"who did this to you?"

jay analyzed jungwon's face thoroughly. he had red puffy eyes, a cut on his lower lip and his left cheek was red and swollen. and yet, yang jungwon was beaming, something jay could not figure out. what exactly was happening? not five seconds after jungwon smiled tears left his eyes like waterfalls. except he wasn't sobbing, he kept on smiling.

"jay hyung, i have something to tell you"

the older was deeply confused. last time they saw each other, jungwon had a look of emptiness in his eyes and was acting so cold. last time they talked, he had cut ties with jay, told him they couldn't keep seeing each other without giving an actual explanation.

jay had been trying to move on since then, but now being in front of jungwon, seeing him smile and worrying about his bruises, he realized he just simply could not move on. it was hurting him all over again. he took a step back and stopped touching jungwon's face. he was hurt.

"what is it?" jay sounded harsh. but jungwon had expected something worse.

"i want to be with you" jay's face flinched when he heard these words come out of jungwon's lips.

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