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Reena leaned further into the warmth she was in need of, desperately. Rubbing her nose over surface of the thing which was warming her, she hummed and held on tightly.

But the pressure on her wounded arm made her hiss.

And Rocky immediately reach to place his hand on her head, letting it caress her hair, patting slightly later to make her get back to sleep.

Reena opened her eyes and found him asleep, his hand slowly stopping its actions as he also went still, relaxing.

Her eyes roamed over his features which were bathed in moonlight. She had never seen him this much relaxed. He had midium long eyelashes, which were falling it's shadow over his cheekbones. His chest heaving up and down under her palm.

Reena couldn't help but moved his hair back, which were falling, hiding his forehead.

A small soft smile grazed her lips as she stared at Rocky.

She almost believed that it must be her dream, him coming here, comforting her, calming her down, kissing her scars....

But no- he was here. Her heart flutter at the thought and stomach made a knot, causing her breath to hitch.

Her stomach grumbled in hunger, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. She carefully removed his hand from her head and placed it down on the bed. Rocky's eyebrows scrunched at feeling of the removal of contact from her.

Reena rubbed her finger between his eyebrows to sooth them and Rocky relaxed again. Humming, he buried his face little into pillow and then went still, signalling he was asleep again.

Reena moved down from bed, and looked at the clock which showed it was 3 in the morning. Sighing, she made her way to freshen up.


Reena sat in her armchair take the last bite of paav, placing the book she chose on the table infront, to start off her day with reading like everyday. With a loud sigh, she leaned back and took a sip of her tea, letting the liquid give her some of energy, refresh her mind a little.

When she was done, she gave herself a little time to watch the sky changing it's colours, being the beautiful canvas of early morning.

Cold breeze of morning caressed her skin, causing goosebumps to rise. So, she let dupatta fall over, cover marks on her hands.

The wound around her hand needed to be open to air, so she had to wear sleeveless dress. She actually wanted to choose the knee-length casual dress of hers but just to cover her hands she chose this purple dress.

Her gaze fell upon her hand, and she pushed her dupatta  little aside to look at the marks.

It was not first time she hurted herself but still the last time she did was four years ago.

And she did once again. Yesterday was-

Even though they say time heal all wounds, the scars remain there. No matter what she just couldn't erase her past, her trauma, what she went through.

Past stain our present. It's more like we are imprisoned in our past.

Shekhar was that past of her.

Something she couldn't get rid of, even though he left her life, even this world. He had left scars deep in her soul, staining her, scaring the little 16 year-old reena who still live inside this 24-years-old reena.

Reena examined her marks. They looked ugly. Pretty bad. She hated it. In fact, she hated her body. Herself.

But he kissed her scars.

His Desideratum LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin