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As soon as the knife was in his hands, Rocky swaggered his way towards the throne of Shetty.

Shetty's beggings were so satisfying to hear.

Rocky moved his hand over throne. He remembered his ten years old self's desire and greed to sit upon this seat and rule over the entire sea.

But now, this throne was nothing to him. It's nothing more than just a seat where he would rather rest his legs.

He dragged the seat aside and Shetty immediately started cleaning the seat.


Rocky grinned. Moving the other chair, he sat on it instead and placed his legs on the throne of Shetty. This seat wasn't even worth the dirt of his shoes.

Shetty had always underestimate Rocky's capability. Which was his biggest mistake. And here he was, on knees, begging for his unworthy, useless life.

"Rocky mere ko mat maro." (Rocky please don't kill me.)

Rocky blew out a very long smoke, letting it mix with air around. He wouldn't have pulled out the cigar actually as his shona don't want him to smoke but he needed a feel, a kind of atmosphere to cut off the tongue which talked bad about his queen.

He held the knife in hand loosely.

"Chod deta re tere ko." Rocky sighed. He could have spared him actually. But he did very big mistake by talking about his Queen like that.

(I would have let you go.)

Rocky looked down at Shetty, his eyes hardening. "Lekin tune mere Rani ke bare mein baat ki."

(But you talked about my Queen.)

Shetty was aware of how much of insane person Rocky was. But what he didn't know was- Rocky would cross every line of insanity when it come to his Queen. Rocky will turn him into ruin, burn down everything he own along with him.


Reena placed her hand over ears to protect them from the loudest music.

The entire place seemed to vibrate because of the intensity of the sound. Rocky pulled her towards the bar, taking seat beside.

She have no idea why out of all places he will bring her here. They were still in Bombay. She got to know from Kasim chacha that he got rid of Shetty.

It was going to happen, she knew it. After all, he had to pay price for what he did. Rocky never forgives.

Reena was happy that she met Rakhi. Rocky let her go to Banglore and meet her. They spent the entire day together, sharing eachother about what happened in while days, also went to shopping- and Rakhi actually got Reena tired by dragging her to every store.

And now, when she came here to bombay Rocky insisted her to come with him to pub. Which was now his.

This place was extremely jammed by drunkards. Everyone reeked of alcohol.

Reena glanced at small glass of alcohol Rocky offered her. It was not like she didn't have alcohol before. It's just she preferred not to drink. Getting drunk, losing all sense and something dangerous- something she was still regretting had happen before in past. That's why she hadn't touch alcohol ever again.

But Rocky pushed the glass ahead to her, gesturing that it's okay. Reena thought for a second before taking the glass gulping down the liquid. But coughed later getting chuckle from Rocky as he rubbed her back.

Rocky was upto something. There was a reason he brought Reena here, in pub. From her behavior of last few days he could tell that Reena reciprocate the feelings he have for her.

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