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Rocky flicked the golden lighter in his hand, open and closed. It had no use to him as he almost quite smoking. But he needed this sound.

Recently, this sound had been helping him alot to control himself from the terrible mood swings he was suffering from, which happen because of the absence of Reena's presence around him.

Her absence, even for a few minutes nagged him to hell leaving him to the breaking point of his sanity thread.

He had enter in the new year with the love of his life. The last year was the best year for him, was all Rocky could say. And the thought of spending coming years like this with his shona made him feel so happy.

He met the love of his life, conquered KGF, was on his path of fulfilling the promise he gave to his mother. What else could be better than this?

They celebrated the start of new year simply as Rocky had tones of things to be taken care of. But as days passed, the work was getting more and more pressurising, reducing the time he want to spend with Reena. However,  of course he would make time for her through everything, putting literally everything aside for her as nothing comes before her.

Well, still it wasn't enough for him.

He wanted her around him 24/7, every minute and seconds of the day. Reena had also start to engaging herself into many KGF's matters like she would spent time with the kids teaching them, looking out for the work of houses of the people there which rocky started, providing food and their needs to them and alot more things.

Rocky was more than glad to have her help in looking out for the people of KGF. But that made her busy too.

He had gotten more and more intoxicated by her. As days passed, the extreme level of his feelings towards Reena sometimes baffle him too. For others, it may be obsession, possession, madness, insanity but for him, it was love.

His desideratum love.

If only Reena could grasped the fact that how much control she have over him. His moods, his actions, his behaviour, his thinking, his power... Everything, literally everything is at her mercy.

He had stopped belonging himself. 

It's all her now.

Again flicking the lighter open Rocky closed it. Reena told him to try something like this. Such a sweet soul she's, she understood his struggle when he's away from her and told him to try this. And it was working. A brief smile appeared on his face at the thought of her.

He looked out when the car stopped at the central jail. Coming out, he kept the lighter in his hand as it's gonna be the weapon for him today.

The chairs hit the ground as the officers sitting on them before abruptly stood up. A frightening shock cursed through their veins, legs literally shaking at their sight of man, who swaggered inside.

Rocky's cold and malicious aura spreading  through the cells as he made his way to his prey. Other criminals who had been punished for lifetime for their brutal crimes were curious to know who this person was, as to given such a treatment of 'malik' to him, and more important how could he just come into central jail...

The sound of Rocky's shiny shoes hitting the dirty floor of prison echoed in the walls as his guards followed him.

The jailer opened the particular person for him. His broad figure bend itself a little before stepping inside. The smell there actually made him feel like throw up. In his whole life if being a criminal Rocky honestly, never ever had to step in police station. The whole bombay knew who he was and how he was.

His Desideratum LoveWhere stories live. Discover now