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I'm back!

I realised that I didn't thank you all for Congratulating me and for all those sweet, comforting words. (I'm talking about my babbling under chpt 40)

Trust me, I didn't ignore your comments or anything like that- it just after that taunt I was feeling down for weeks, blaming myself and did something crazy [i'm fine :)] and in that condition updated previous chapter (41) without reading comments or even giving any message. And after that I logged out :(

Well, what I want to say in short is I didn't ignore your kind words. And they really helped me alot to get back on track, stay strong, be happy and satisfied with what i've got and now, continue again.

I'm just a weird person. Plz don't misunderstand me.

Enjoy reading :)


"Scared that she will find that you are alive?"

Sameer turned around and saw figure of Raakhi coming towards him, hands holding a tray. He kept mum. For past few months it felt like his mouth was sewed. He just didn't want to talk, because his words never had a value to anyone.

Not to his parents, not to Ria- the girl he once loved.

He did love her at first. He really did. And she did too. But as her love started turning into obsession and went to it's extreme level to the point she would hurt other people- he started to feel distant from her. His deep, true feelings for ria died.

And then, came reena. An angel who went through alot just because he found himself attracted towards her and then, fell in love.

Who won't love such incredible pure and kind soul like her?

She suffered alot. Because of ria and he was the reason behind it. But still, she helped him. She had always.

Just like now.

"I think I have mastered the art of reading people from Reena." Raakhi chuckled and sat on the sofa placing the tray infront on the table. She gave one cup of tea to Sameer.

She got up and opened the drower next to the sofa and pulled out a file of documents. "This is your new identity documents." She said, giving the file to Sameer.

He placed the cup aside and opened the file. They were his identity documents. New name, new place, new identity, everything new...

He wasn't Sameer anymore.

Sameer died.

Closing the file, he closed his eyes feeling the headache he was suffering from since last night. He hadn't have proper sleep, maybe he will never. Nightmares were going to haunt him for the rest of this life- be it new.

"Man I tell you one thing?"

Sameer startled a little at raakhi's voice. But later nodded his head gesturing her to continue. Raakhi sighed, her features dipped in sympathy towards the man, she was asked to be taken care of for a while.

"If you keep that fear with you then you will never be able to move on." She said.

She was right. He have to move on. He was offered a chance to live again- something some people rarely get. He had live a life in fear but not anymore. That fear had got him nothing but pain and even hurted his dear people.

He have to take this precious chance fully, accept it wholeheartedly and move on.

He forced a smile and turned to Raakhi. "Thank you."

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