Entity 10(The Backrooms) Monster Ch1

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Entity 10, also known as Skin-Stealers, are large humanoid entities that can wear the skin of their victims as a disguise. They eat human flesh when in a hunger state, and otherwise roam aimlessly if they do not need to eat. They are most commonly found on the first four levels but have been reported to be in several other levels.

Tier: 7-B or 7-A

Classification: Entity

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, voice mimicry, body control (They can wear the skin of their victims and seem like a average human)

Attack Potency: Wall level (They can tear humans apart with their bare strength alone also they can tear apart another entity the skin-Giver and can break through medical supplies)

Speed: Likely Normal Human or lower

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Can completely tear humans apart and another entity the skin-Giver)

Striking Strength: Class KJ

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average (They can mimic human speech of different languages but they cannot understand language and will constantly repeat what it hears)

Weakness: Walking away slowly and calmly, checking anyone for clear blood.

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