Hell Knight (Doom) Evil Monster Ch10

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The Hell Knight is a subordinate to the Baron of Hell and is comparable to it in physical strength. These beings are eyeless and malformed, maintaining a completely flat face (although they function very well).

Tier: 9-B, possibly 9-A physically, 8-C with plasma

Classification: Belligerent Demon

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, enhanced senses, temporary stun inducement, plasma manipulation

Attack Potency: Wall level, possibly Small Building level physically (Physically one tier down from a Baron of Hell), Building level with plasma (Capable of melting human beings in armor)

Speed: Likely Subsonic+ (Comparable to the Baron of Hell)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 1, Possibly Class 5 (Comparable to the Baron of Hell)

Striking Strength: At least Class KJ+ (Can deal moderate damage to Doomguy)

Durability: At least Wall level (Physically one tier down from a Baron of Hell)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Several hundred yards via plasma bolts (comparable to the Baron of Hell in Doom 3)

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Unknown degree, obeys orders of the Baron of Hell

Weakness: As with the Baron, it often will fight anything nearby.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

Shockwave: The Hell Knight will smash the ground, temporarily stunning those around it and giving it a chance to leap and attack.

CQC: Stated to be a close quarters combat master of sorts, often delivering uppercuts and lunge attacks.

Plasma Bolt: Similar to that of the Baron of Hell's; only used in Doom 3, a game that excluded the Baron, making this its effective replacement.

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