Death(House of the Dead) Evil Monster Ch32

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Type-0011, codename Death, was a mutant juggernaut dressed as a security guard. He is the first boss of The House of the Dead 3, being encountered in both the second chapter and one of the next three chapters (depending on the players choice). The creation of Death was to serve as the security guard for the EFI Research Facility, chasing down intruders before assaulting them with his club. In October 2019, a group of combat professionals raided the facility to find the source of humanity's collapse. Death killed tactical expert Dan Taylor and wounded retired AMS agent Thomas Rogan, who was rescued by Daniel Curien, a resident of the facility. Two weeks later, Rogan's daughter Lisa and former partner G investigated Rogan's disappearance. Death burst from the ground and chased them either through the facility's front entrance or parking garage (the route is determined by the player). Lisa and G fended him off and escaped. Later, in the Information System Department, Lisa accidentally triggered an alarm, alerting Death. A chased ensued through several long corridors, with the pair continually damaging Death and losing him as they ran into separate rooms. Death trapped them in a corridor to the elevator but collapsed and died after being shot repeatedly in the head.

Tier: At least 9-B, likely 9-A

Classification: Undead Security Guard, Mutant Juggernaut

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 0), expert club wielder, immorality (Types 2 and 7), resistance to pain

Attack Potency: At least Wall level (Can easily break through walls, which should be around this level; managed to severely damage Rogan), likely Small Building level (Seemingly dug up from the ground)

Speed: Superhuman travel speed with at least Subsonic attack speed (Can swing his club at speeds that should be comparable to this)

Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman

Striking Strength: At least Wall level, likely Small Building level

Durability: At least Wall level (Most of his body is bulletproof, which should be on this level, is unaffected by his own Attack Potency), likely Small Building level (Comparable to his Attack Potency; likely on a similar level of durability compared to the Magician)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with club.

Standard Equipment: Skull-studded club

Intelligence: Below Average; hasn't really displayed any levels of intelligence and mostly acts on instinct.

Weakness: His weak point is his head, as it's not bulletproof like the rest of his body.

Notable Victories:

Proof (Def Jam) Proof's Profile (9-B versions used, starting distance is 5 meters, and speed was equalized)

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