Football Zombie (Plants vs Zombies) Evil Monster Ch35

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Football Zombie is a faster and stronger version of the regular zombie found in the Plants vs. Zombies series. They are one of the strongest zombies in the series. Their main objective is to eat the brains of humans.

Tier: 8-B|6-B

Classification: Undead, Football Player

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, self-sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), longevity (Can survive for hundreds of years), immorality (Types 2 and 7; Can survive without a head), resistance to acid manipulation (Zombies take no damage from acid rain which can instantly destroy plants), immune to fear manipulation (Zombies have no capacity for fear) and disease manipulation|All previous abilities, weapon mastery, explosion manipulation (Can throw explosive imps, future dummies explode when destroyed), resurrection (Both plants and zombies can revive fallen allies), minor fire manipulation (Can move fast enough to catch on fire), regeneration (Mid-Low), statistics amplification (Can move faster when at low health with upgrades), enhanced senses (Can "zoom in" to see far distances) and forcefield creation (Via Dummy Shield)

Attack Potency: City Block level (Is one of the strongest zombies, he can easily one-shot defensive plants like Wall-nut even when fully armored)|Country level (Comparable to Super Brainz)

Speed: Athletic Human (Faster than most zombies and is a football player)|At least Subsonic+ (Comparable to Super Brainz), High Hypersonic+ combat speed  (Comparable to characters who can react to/out-speed most PvZ2 projectiles and attacks, which reach these speeds)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human |Class 100 (Comparable to Super Brainz)

Striking Strength: City Block level|Country level

Durability: City Block level |Country level

Stamina: Infinite due to being undead (Zombies don't need sleep or rest)

Range: Standard Melee Range|Hundreds of Meters with Football Cannon

Standard Equipment: Football Equipment |Football Cannon, explosive imp, Dummy Shield, Future Dummy

Intelligence: Average (Is a potential football player and team player on the field)|Above Average (Capable of holding off waves of plants and strategically placing robots in optimal positions for maximum defensive and offensive capabilities against a variety of plants)

Weakness: Anything magnetic that can take his football helmet |None notable, his previous weakness can be exploited again in the second game |His football cannon can overheat if fired for too long.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Imp Punt: The All-Star punts an imp that rolls forward and explodes after a short time

°Long Bomb: An alternate ability of Imp Punt, Long Bomb allows the All-Star kicks an imp up very high, which explodes when he lands.

•Sprint Tackle: The All-Star rushes forward, dealing damage and knocking opponents into the sky.

°Ultra Tackle: A stronger alternate ability of Sprint Tackle.

•Dummy Shield: The Football zombie protects himself and others by placing a dome-shielded dummy.

°Shield Decoy: An alternate ability of Dummy Shield, the player can have four Shield Decoys, but it's weaker.

°Future Dummy: An alternate ability of Dummy Shield, the Future Dummy is stronger than the default Dummy Shield, the Future Dummy is stronger than the default Dummy Shield, but only one Future Dummy can be placed down at a time. When the Future Dummy is destroyed, it explodes, harming enemies nearby.

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