Nova Lion(Bakugan) Good Monster Ch33

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Nova Lion was the oldest Bakugan in Vestroia. He was a Pyrus Tigrerra.

Tier: 2-C

Classification: Pyrus Bakugan

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 1), accelerated development, fire manipulation, statistics amplification, longevity (The oldest and wisest Bakugan), space survival

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Clashed with Centorrior)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (He was able to save Dan and Drago without Centorrior and Druman noticing)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level

Durability: Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Low Multiversal

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Genius (The oldest and wisest Bakugan)

Weakness: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Legend of Fire: Play during a battle on one of your opponent's Gate Cards. Your Bakugan gains 160 G's based on its attribute.

•Rapid Saver: Saves another Bakugan from an attack.

•Power Charge: Adds 100 Gs to Nova Lion and allows him to attack from any part of a field.

•Pyrus Reactor: Adds 500 Gs to all Bakugan on a Gate Card with that said Attribute.

•Character: Doubles any Bakugan's Power if it is the correct corresponding Bakugan for the card and doubles any ability effects that add to the corresponding Bakugan's Power level.

•Final Judgment: The Bakugan with a different attribute than the Gate Card's user automatically has their power reduced to zero.

•Forcement Wind (Reinforcement): Your Bakugan's Power Level increases by 100 Gs for every bakugan on the field with the same attribute (not including the Bakugan on this Gate Card).

•Fire Tornado: (Note: It has the same effect as Haos Tigrerra's Lightning Tornado, but it was never used) Adds 100 Gs to Nova Lion and subtracts 100 Gs from each opponent).

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