Hierophant(House of the Dead) Evil Monster Ch28

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Type-B 05, codename "Hierophant," was the second boss encountered in House of the Dead 2. It was a swimming fish like creature that attacked using a trident. AMS agents James Taylor and Gary Stewart first witnessed the monster on television screen during a news report, telling of how an unidentified being has taken control of Sunset Bridge. Eventually, when the agents meet up with their contacts, Amy Crystal and Harry Harris beside the bridge (the docks if the player does so), they are unexpectedly confronted by Hierophant.

Tier: 8-C

Classification: Undead, Human-Amphibian Hybrid

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, weapon mastery, acrobatics, immorality (Types 2 and 7), animal manipulation (Can summon schools of Mofish), nigh-invulnerability, resistance to pain

Attack Potency: Building level (Destroyed a section of Sunset Bridge)

Speed: Supersonic reactions (Can react to gunfire from James and Gary)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Building level

Durability: Building level (Aside from his heart, Hierophant is immune to gunfire)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Trident

•Can summon: Schools of Mofish

Intelligence: Animalistic (Much like the other creatures, it hasn't displayed many signs of intelligence. However, it does seem to be a very capable fighter)

Weakness: It's heart within its closing and opening ribcage is its weak point.

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