Ebirah(Godzilla) Evil Monster Ch58

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Ebirah returned 35 years later for the final entry in the Millennium series, Godzilla Final Wars, in which he was mind-controlled pawn of the Xiliens. Ebirah was initially defeated by the Earth Defense Force's mutant soldiers at Tokai, and was deployed again to assist Hedorah against Godzilla in Tokyo Bay.

Tier: At least High 8-C

Classification: Giant Lobster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, camouflage, large size (Type 1; 50 meters), enhanced senses, natural weaponry (Claws), underwater breathing (Type 2), adept swimmer, additional limbs, resistance to radiation manipulation and bone manipulation (Boneless)

Attack Potency: At least Building level (Ebirah can generate this much energy by moving)

Speed: Subsonic travel speed, Relativistic+ reactions and combat speed (He kept up with Godzilla)

Lifting Strength: At least Class M, likely Class G (Comparable to Godzilla)

Striking Strength: At least Large Building level

Durability: At least Large Building level,  possibly higher (He was launched to the sky by Godzilla's atomic breath along with Hedorah, though this could have been done via pressure)

Stamina: Superhuman (Has shown to be able to run and fight for long periods of time)

Range: Tens of Meters by virtue of sheer size

Standard Equipment: Claws

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weakness: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Giant Claws: Ebirah boasts two large, and very different claws. The right arm features a scissor-like claw that is 15 meters in length. This appendage is mammoth, able to grasp objects in its powerful grip. Ebirah was also found of using it as a blunt instrument due to its size. The left arm has a spear-like claw that is 13 meters in length. Ebirah was able to use this as a harpoon and did so to skewer the Infant Island natives as they tried to escape.

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