Dark Bowser (Mario Bros) Evil Monster Ch7

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Dark Bowser is Bowser's final boss in Mario & Luigi: Bowser Inside Story. He has all the powers Bowser has, along with many dark variations as well. He was created from Bowser's DNA copied by the Dark Star, a sentient and malevolent star of incredible dark power that viciously attacked the Mushroom Kingdom several years ago and was sealed away by the Star Sprites. It seeks to cover the world in darkness and destroy it.

Tier: 6-C

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, self-sustenance (Type 1), size manipulation (Can increase his size), portal creation, summoning (Can summon dark versions of Bowser's minions such as Goombas, Koopas, Bob-ombs, Bullet Bills, Thwomps), darkness manipulation, fire manipulation, and breath attack (Can breath dark fire), air manipulation and BFR (He can forcibly and inhale targets and objects into his body), electricity manipulation, weather manipulation (Can create a massive storm), earth manipulation (Can summon giant boulders), energy manipulation (Can create dark cages and giant energy ball), aura (Emits a dark aura), can shoot explosive arrows that can make its target confused, fires red and green energy orbs, generate clones of itself, can create enemies that can fire beams and self-destruct upon defeat, resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiation

Attack Potency: Island level (Created a hurricane over the Mushroom Kingdom.  Contended with Mario and Luigi as the Dark Star; fought with Bowser and copied his DNA)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Kept up with the Mario Bros as the Dark Star and Bowser as Dark Bowser)

Lifting Strength: Class P (Copied Bowser's DNA, who towed an island of unknown size)

Striking Strength: Island level (Comparable to and clashed punches with Bowser)

Durability: Island level (Should be just as durable as Bowser after coping his DNA. Tanked attacks from Mario Bros as the Dark Star)

Stamina: Very high

Range: Extended Melee Range with standard attacks. Varies from tens of meters to Planetary with the Dark Storm)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: The Dark Star is extremely malignant and hellbent on senseless destruction. However, it eventually gains intelligence as Dark Bowser and even more from absorbing Fawful.

Weakness: None notable

Notable Victories:

Bowletta (Mario Bros) Bowletta's Profile (Both characters had prior knowledge of the other's abilities)

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