Gigan Miles(Godzilla vs Gigan Rex) Evil Monster Ch23

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Gigan Miles are daikaiju introduced in the 2022 short film, Godzilla vs Gigan Rex. After Godzilla had defeated a group of Gigan, the leader of the species, Gigan Rex, arrived to battle against Godzilla. The two fought briefly, however, Gigan Rex summoned an army of Gigans, which began swarming Godzilla.

Tier: 4-B

Classification: Cybernetic Space Dinosaur

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 2; 100 meters), flight, Cyborgization (Full), infrared vision, energy manipulation, energy projection/explosion manipulation, Danmaku (With laser), natural weaponry (Beak and tail), weapon mastery and homing attack

Attack Potency: Solar System level (Fought with Post-Rebirth Godzilla Jr, although they were weaker)

Speed: At least Subsonic movement speed, Massively FTL+ reactions and combat speed (Kept up with Post-Rebirth Godzilla Jr)

Lifting Strength: At least Class Z, likely higher (Scaling from Godzilla Jr)

Striking Strength: Solar System level

Durability: Solar System level (Some survived multiple physical attacks from Godzilla Jr)

Stamina: Superhuman (Has shown to be able to run and fight for long periods of time)

Range: Tens of Meters by sheer size, Hundreds of Meters with ranged attacks

Standard Equipment: Buzzaw, Blades, Bladed slicer, etc

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Eye Beam: Gigan Miles can fire a yellow laser from their eyes, strong enough to hurt Godzilla Jr.

•Buzzaw: Gigan has a buzzaw on his stomach that he uses to saw opponents.

•Hooked Appendages: Gigan's forelimbs sport a pair of large metal hooks in place of hands, which it can use to battle and stab opponents.

•Tail Pincer: Gigan was also able to use it's scorpion-like tail to aid it in melee combat.

•Antigravity Flight: Gigan is capable of flying at speeds while in Earth's atmosphere.

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