Magnetic Monster (The Godzilla Power Hour) Evil Monster Ch70

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The Magnetic Monster is a size changing turtle, which was created by Hanna-Barbera that appeared in the 1978 Godzilla episode, "The Magnetic Terror."

Tier: At least 5-A

Classification: Giant Turtle

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 2; 600 meters), magnetism manipulation, absorption, underwater breathing (Type 2), enhanced senses, size increasing and statistics amplification, natural weaponry (Beak and claws), resistance to radiation manipulation, extreme cold, heat and ice (Can survive pretty cold temperatures)

Attack Potency: At least Large Planet level (Massively stronger and bigger than Godzilla, who overpowered a spaceship that was strong enough to pull a moon-sized asteroid)

Speed: Superhuman travel speed with Massively Hypersonic reactions (Scaling from Godzilla)

Lifting Strength: Class Z (Scaling from Godzilla)

Striking Strength: At least Large Planet level

Durability: At least Large Planet level

Stamina: Superhuman (Can run and fight for long periods of time)

Range: Tens of Meters by sheer size, Hundreds of Meters with ranged attacks

Standard Equipment: Beak, claws

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weakness: The magnetic monster will explode if it absorbs too much magnetic energy.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Magnetic Waves: The magnetic monster can emit magnetic waves from his mouth that will draw objects towards him or repel objects away.

•Size change: The magnetic monster can grow to gigantic sizes by absorbing magnetic waves.

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