Yellow Devil(Mega Man) Evil Monster Ch71

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The Yellow Devil (Called Rock Monster in the original localization of the first game) was one of, if not the first combat robot created by Dr. Wily himself. It is made of Shape Memory Alloy that allows it to split and reform into another area.

Tier: At least High 6-C, likely 5-A |5-C

Classification: Robot

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, self-sustenance (Type 3), inorganic physiology (Type 2), immorality (Non-Combat Applicable Type 6 & 8: As long as their IC chip is still in tact, they can be re-built as many times as one wants), energy projection, body control, regeneration (High-Mid. Casually disassembles and reforms it's body, but it's weak point (the eye) cannot be regenerated), likely resistance to absolute zero (Mega Man's Ice Slasher does nothing to it), large size (Type 0), duplication (Into smaller versions of itself. In some games, these duplicates have flight), statistics amplification via Speed Gear

Attack Potency: At least Large Island level+, likely Large Planet level+ (Is consistently tasked with defending Wily's fortresses. Is one of Wily's favorite models of robot. Can fight Rock)|Moon level+ (Fought Base Mega Man)

Speed: Massively FTL+(Can consistently keep up with Mega Man in combat) higher with Speed Gear|Massively FTL (Kept up with Mega Man)

Lifting Strength: Class T (Should be superior o Mega Man)|Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Large Island level+, likely Large Planet level+ (Can damage Mega Man with physical attacks)|Moon level+

Durability: At least Large Island level+, likely Large Planet level+(Can take hits from Mega Man)|Moon level+(Can take hits from Mega Man)

Stamina: Essentially limitless due to being a robot

Range: Extended melee range, Hundreds of kilometers with projectiles (Should be comparable to other robots)

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Likely Above Average, possibly Average (Can only speak by saying "Bumo", if at all, though this may be because it was only made for combat and doesn't need to talk)

Weakness: Electricity in the first game, fire in Powered Up, Hard Knuckle for MK-2, Explosions for MK-3.

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