Megasparkle Goomba(Mario Bros) Evil Monster Ch61

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Megasparkle Goomba is a Goomba who gained the power of a Royal Sticker after Bowser shattered the Sticker Comet. When Mario and Kersti reach his fortress, he attacks them along with fifteen other Goombas. During the battle, they merged into a giant goomba, though they start flipping after being damaged enough. After the giant Megasparkle Goomba is defeated, the fifteen other Goombas desert their leader, who is easily defeated by Mario.

Tier: 8-C, up to 6-C with Fusionism

Classification: Goomba empowered by a Royal Sticker

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, toon force, elasticity (Can survive being crumpled and restore itself), paper manipulation, transformation (Can transform itself into a square sheet of paper, fusionism (Merged itself with fifteen other Goombas), body control (Should be able to twist itself into a cone like other goombas. The combined form can do this and roll itself), likely non-physical interaction, underwater breathing (Type 2), self-sustenance (Type 1), resistance to extreme cold, and cosmic radiations (Should share these abilities with other Goombas)|As before, plus large size (Type 0), and multiple selves (Type 3)

Attack Potency: Building level (Even with the Royal Sticker, it is no stronger than a regular Goomba), up to Island level with Fusionism (Can put up a fight against Mario, when fused with fifteen other Goombas)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Mario)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Should be comparable to other Goombas)

Striking Strength: Building level, up to Island level with Fusionism

Durability: Building level (Equivalent to other goombas), up to Island level with Fusionism (Can take hits from Mario)

Stamina: Peak Human, likely Superhuman (Equivalent to other goombas)|Superhuman (Had an extended battle with Mario)

Range: Standard Melee Range |Extended Melee Range, Several Meters via Cutter

Standard Equipment: Royal Sticker

Intelligence: Unknown (Has no feats)

Weakness: None notable |While it is usually quite solid, if it is damaged enough, the Goombas will begin to separate. In that state, a powerful enough attack or series of attacks can finish the process, separating it into its constituent, relatively weak goombas.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Headbonk: Megasparkle Goomba jumps up and lands headfirst on the opponent.

•Transform: Megasparkle Goomba transforms into a square sheet of paper. It can also combine this with other Goombas and becomes a giant sheet, with a sparkly Goomba on the backside.  While in this combined form,  it can do the following;

°Jump: Megasparkle Goomba jumps up and lands on the opponent.

°Cutter: Megasparkle Goomba's constituent Goombas fly out, one by one, towards the opponent, then fly back into Megasparkle Goomba.

°Roll: Megasparkle Goomba rolls itself up and rolls towards the opponent.

°Paper Cone Fold: Megasparkle Goomba rolls itself into a spiky cone.

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