Giant Enderman(Minecraft: Story Mode) Evil Monster Ch36

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The Giant Enderman is a minor antagonist in Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2. It is technically what it is: a "Giant Enderman". The most defining features are its visible ribcage and glowing purple mouth interior.

Tier: At least 8-B

Classification: Giant Enderman

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, teleportation, dimensional travel (Via teleportation), large size (Type 1. Tens of meters tall), possibly hypnosis (Radar was unable to move after looking at him in the eyes and later described his gaze as hypnotic)

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Can break off and possibly collapse a building with ease. Should be stronger than an average Enderman. Vastly superior to Jesse)

Speed: Superhuman with at least Subsonic combat and reaction speed (Should be comparable, if not superior, to a normal Enderman)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 100 (Can pull up large pieces of buildings and has ripped off the head of a Prismarine Colossus)

Striking Strength: At least City Block level (Snapped off the head of a Prismarine Colossus, who are strong enough to easily one-shot Jesse)

Durability: At least City Block level (Completely unharmed by Jesse's sword swings)

Stamina: Superhuman (Should be comparable to a normal Enderman)

Range: Tens of Meters via sheer size,  Low Multiversal via teleportation (Teleported from the normal world to the dimension created by The Admin)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown (Should be comparable to a normal Enderman. Outskilled a Prismarine Colossus)

Weakness: Water will damage and potentially kill it. Sunlight makes it more passive and less prone to aggression (Should share the same weakness as a normal Enderman)


•Snapped off the head of a Prismarine Colossus.

•Ripped off giant pieces from multiple buildings with ease.

•Destroyed a giant piece of a minecart track.

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