Ashura(Bakugan) Good Monster Ch25

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Ashura is an Ashura-like Bakugan. In the anime, he is the Guardian of Chan Lee.

Tier: At least High 7-C |2-C |2-C

Classification: Pyrus Bakugan

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 1), accelerated development (As a Bakugan attacks and defends, it becomes stronger than before), acrobatics, multiple selves (Ashura has three faces. Each face has its own personality), Danmaku, fire manipulation and heat manipulation, statistics amplification (He can reduce the opponent's power with his abilities. He can increase his own power with his abilities), power nullification (With the Face of Grief ability), space survival, resistance to fire, and heat manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Large Town level (He was able to fight Drago)|Low Multiverse level (Ashura s strong enough to fight Centorrior. Ashura is able to knock down Centorrior for a short time)|Low Multiverse level (Ashura can damage Fortress. Fortress is strong enough to damage even Alpha Hydranoid. Ignoring Alpha Hydranoid's attack, he was able to cut through MAC Spider's spider web)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (It should be comparable to Dragonoid in terms of speed)|Massively FTL+ (Fast enough to fight Centorrior. Was able to Naga's attack)|Massively FTL+ (It should be at least as fast as before)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Town level |Low Multiverse level |Low Multiverse level

Durability: Large Town level |Low Multiverse level |Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Low Multiversal

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Above Average

Weakness: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Face of Rage: Adds 100 Gs to Fortress and subtracts Gs from the opponent.

•Face of Joy: (Note: Drago claimed he had this ability, but Ashura was never seen using it)

•Face of Grief: Prevents the opponent from activating any abilities.

•Phase Drive: Adds 200 Gs to Ashura.

•Phase Glare: Transfers 300 Gs from the opponent to Ashura.

•Phase Breaker: Nullifies the opponent's ability.

•Thunder Sky - Thousand Sword Rain: Subtracts 200 Gs from the opponent. (Can only be used after Phase Glare)

•Character: Doubles any Bakugan's Power Level if it is the correct corresponding Bakugan for the card and doubles any ability effects that add to the corresponding Bakugan's Power level.

•Double Battle: Forces both players to add an additional Bakugan.

•Level Down (Level One): Subtracts 100 Gs from the opponent if it has 400 Gs or more.

•Positive Delta: Subtracts 200 Gs from any Light, Pyrus, Aquos, and Haos) the opponent uses. If it is used against a Dark Bakugan (Ventus, Subterra, and Darkus), your Bakugan loses 200 Gs instead.

•Revive: If the user wins, all of their defeated Bakugan can be used again.

•Super Pyrus (Pyrus, Japanese version: Supernova): Swaps the G-Power of your Bakugan with your opponent. (Note: The name is an error, as they changed all instances of the word "Nova" to "Pyrus")

•Trade Off: If the opponent's Bakugan has 400 Gs or more, it automatically loses.

•Triple Battle: The battle is placed on hold until a third Bakugan is thrown onto the Gate Card.

•Wall Lock: Nullifies the opponent's ability.

•Pyrus Reactor: This gate card gives an increase of 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, or 500 Gs to all Bakugan on the gate card with your attribute.

Command Cards:

•Active Ghost: Automatically defeats the opponent's Bakugan if your Bakugan's Power Level is higher.

•Battle Release: Returns all Bakugan on the field back to their owners.

•Devour (Attribute): Drops the power level of every bakugan of the attribute you call out to 0 Gs.

•Element Merge: Transfers 200 Gs from the opponent to your Bakugan for each Bakugan you have on the field.

•Forcement Enemy: Adds 100 Gs to all of your Bakugan for each Bakugan of your opponent's Bakugan on the field.

•Power Pressure: If the opponent's Bakugan has 400 Gs or more, they can not move or activate abilities.

•Ring Zero: Nullifies the opponent's ability and freezes them in place.

•Attribute Spotting Out: Subtracts 500 Gs from all Bakugan with the attribute you said.

•Transducer: Transfers all of the opponent's G-Power to your Bakugan by 50 Gs per second.

•Enemy Down: Subtracts 300 Gs from each opponent.

•Healing Up: Adds 300 Gs to each Bakugan on your side of the field.

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