Mammoth (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) Good Monster Ch48

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Mammoths are extremely powerful units from the Tribal faction. Boasting extreme amounts of health and damage,  these creatures are exceptionally powerful and are capable of massacring armies, dashing through and crushing defenses at first sight of an enemy unit.

Tier: 8-B

Classification: Tribal Faction Unit

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 0), natural weaponry, resistance to fear manipulation (Powerful units are typically more resistant to fear than fodder units), minor resistance to poison manipulation (Powerful units are typically take more poison darts or potions to get dizzy and start falling on the ground from their status effect inducement, though still take damage like normal from both)

Attack Potency: City Block level (Comparable to units such as Thor)

Speed: Supersonic+ (Can keep up with other units, some of which can dodge tank shells), higher when charging

Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Shouldn't be too far behind Bank Robbers, who can lift large safes)

Striking Strength: City Block level

Durability: City Block level (Is the most durable unit in the Tribal Faction)

Stamina: Superhuman (Can continue fighting for long periods of time despite any injuries they may have)

Range: Extended Melee Range, Tens of Meters when dashing

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weakness: None notable

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