Singura(IDW Godzilla Series) Evil Monster Ch42

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Singura, is a Cobra/Insect hybrid modified with saw blades for weapons and the main antagonist of Godzilla Rivals: Vs SpaceGodzilla. He is SpaceGodzilla's next competition that comes bursting out of a coffin-shaped pod.

Tier: At least 5-A

Classification: Insect/Reptile Hybrid

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 2), camouflage, enhanced senses, self-sustenance (Type 1; Can live indefinitely on planets without oxygen), natural weaponry (Teeth, tail, claws, and sawblades), black hole creation (Can create black holes), body control (Singura can open his chest in order to create black holes), energy manipulation/energy projection, electricity manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Large Planet level (Can create black holes from its core), can bypass durability with Black Hole Creation

Speed: At least Subsonic travel speed, with Massively FTL+ Reactions and Combat Speed (Scaling from SpaceGodzilla who scales from Godzilla. SpaceGodzilla can also catch UFOs with his physical and energy attacks, said UFOs are capable of interstellar travel)

Lifting Strength: Class P (Can physically overpower SpaceGodzilla, who resisted the gravitational pull of Singura's Black Hole)

Striking Strength: At least Large Planet level

Durability: At least Large Planet level

Stamina: Superhuman (Can run and fight for long periods of time)

Range: Hundreds of Meters by sheer size, Kilometers with Black Hole

Standard Equipment: Teeth, claws, tail, sawblades, and crystals that are strong enough to create Black Holes

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weakness: The crystals in Singura's body  power his black holes. So shattering the crystals would end with the black hole swallowing Singura instead.

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