Cerberus(SMITE) Evil Monster Ch78

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Do not pass the black expanse of the river of Styx if blood still flows in your veins. For there, upon the opposing shore, stands guard a beast of impossible animosity. Three fanged wolf heads will be your welcome, hackles raised, eyes like embers, burning green with ghostly flame. A sinuous tail whips with a mind all it's own, barbed with the head of a serpent, forked tongue tasting the air. Should your body still be warm with life's glow when you dare set foot upon the shore, Cerberus, Hound of Hell, will feast upon your flesh, consuming both body and soul. No mercy resides in this creature. He is a monster, brought into this world by the Mother of Monsters, Echidna, for no other purpose than to guard the gates of hell. There he remains, eternally chained to the shrouded passage. None of the living may enter. None of the dead may leave. Hades, master to Cerberus, has unbound his servant to the battlefield of the Gods. With his poisonous breath, his acidic spittle, his gaze that can turn flesh to stone. Cerberus now hunts freely in the world of the living, eager to drag everyone back down to hell.

Tier: At least High 4-C, possibly Low 2-C

Classification: Warden of the Underworld

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, immorality (Type 1 and 2), soul manipulation (Can prevent souls from leaving the Underworld and devour them. Can also severe souls from their physical body), non-physical interaction (Can interact with souls and spirits), poison manipulation (Via Paralyzing Spit and Gasly Breath. Can use a poison that can affect even gods like Olorun), breath attack (Via Gasly Breath), dark fire manipulation and Hellfire manipulation (Can breath dark fire), absorption and healing (Via Soul Expulsion and Spirit of Death), necromancy (Via Stygian Torment), durability negation (Via poison manipulation), petrification (Can turn flesh into stone with his gaze), large size (Type 0)

Attack Potency: At least Large Star level, possibly Universe level+ (Can easily fight and kill regular gods of the likes of Hera and Baron Samedi. Can also harm pantheon leaders like Olorun to some extent), his venom can bypass durability and seriously poison and weaken Pantheon leaders gods as powerful as Olorun)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with from gods, including the likes of Olorun)

Lifting Strength: At least Stellar (Comparable to gods)

Striking Strength: At least Large Star level, possibly Universe level+ (Can harm gods like Hera)

Durability: At least Large Star level, possibly Universe level+ (Can take hits from gods like Baron Samedi and Hera)

Stamina: High (Can keep up with Gods, who can fight for long periods of time and endure vast amounts of damages without problems and are also able to draw-in more energy from their elements to fight longer)

Range: Extended Melee Range via sheer size, Several Meters via Breath Attack, Tens of Meters via breathing dark fire

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Animalistic

Weakness: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Spirit of Death: Any time an Enemy God within 40 units of Cerberus is healed, that healing is reduced by 20% and Cerberus receives 50% of the heal.

•Paralyzing Spit: Cerberus's snake tail spits venom that passes through and damages enemies. If Cerberus's dog heads are Alert, they then also spit venom when the ability is fired. Each head is alerted upon hitting an Enemy with a Basic Attack, and all are alerted after Ghastly Breath. Each projectile that hits the same target deals 20% less damage, but hitting an Enemy with all 4 Stuns them.

•Ghastly Breath: Each of Cerberus's 3 heads releases a cone of noxious breath in front of them, damaging all Enemies in range 7 times over 2.4s and reducing their Magical Protection up to three times. This attack immediately puts all three of Cerberus's heads on Alert for Paralyzing Spit.

•Paralyzing Spit: Cerberus leaps a short distance forward, dealing damage on impact and severing the souls of enemies. These souls will not block Cerberus's attacks, and killing the souls heals Cerberus.

•Stygian Torment: Cerberus's haunting wail summons below him the souls of the damned, which then knockup all Enemy Gods into the air while stretching the link between their bodies and souls, Damaging them. This knockup can be cleansed. A short time later, Cerberus uses this link to pull the enemies to him.

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