Clayf(Bakugan) Good Monster Ch27

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Clayf was one of the 6 legendary soldiers, 6 Bakugan from New Vestroia, known for their fighting prowess and strength. He is the strongest of the 6 physically.

Tier: At least 2-C

Classification: Subterra Legendary Soldier, Bakugan

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, large size (Type 1), accelerated development (As a Bakugan attacks and defends, it becomes stronger than before), earth manipulation, social influencing (Demoralizies the opponent with his words), pocket reality creation/BFR (The Six Ancient Warriors can create their own pocket dimensions and send others into them), memory manipulation (They can learn memories that others have forgotten), shapeshifting (Six Ancient Warriors can take different forms), resurrection/BFR (They can resurrect dead Bakugan and can take them out of the Doom Dimension), sealing/BFR (They can seal Bakugan into the Doom Dimension), statistics amplification, portal creation (Can travel between universes), resurrection (They can resurrect dead Bakugan), power mimicry (Standard Subterra Ability: Copycat), absorption/causality manipulation (When the Atomic Brave skill is used, all the power that the opponent's use to strengthen themselves is transferred to Clayf. This ability can not be canceled unless the opponent uses power nullification or resurrection. This is possibly Casality manipulation), statistics amplification (Can also reduce the power of his opponent), creation/summoning of other Bakugan, power bestowal (He gave all his power, DNA and abilities to Wilda, but in return he was destroyed), Reality Warping (They created their own world to test the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Everything they dream of in this world comes true. They were able to give Drago a new physical body), space survival (Bakugan can survive in space and are not affected by the side effects of space), resistance to petrification (Since the Six Ancient Warriors are within the Doom Dimension and cannot turn to stone, they must have resistance to petrification)

Attack Potency: At least Low Multiverse level (Must be comparable to other Ancient Warriors. He was able to fight against Farbros with the other Ancient Warriors at his side)

Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (He was able to react to Farbros' attack)

Lifting Strength: Unknown, possibly Class 50 to Class 100 via sheer size

Striking Strength: At least Low Multiverse level

Durability: At least Low Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Intergalactic

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Seemingly Gifted (A master of combat and strategy, as well as one of the 6 Legendary Soldiers)

Weakness: None notable

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Great Axe: Adds 400 Gs to Clayf.

•Atomic Brave: This is Clayf trump card. Upon activation, most, if not all attacks used by the opponent will immediately be negated by Clayf against the opponent. If they amplify their statistics, these changes will be applied to Clayf instead. If the opponent initiates a change into a different form or evolves (including reactive evolution), this ability will be negated.

•Character Card: Doubles any Bakugan's Power Level if it is the correct corresponding Bakugan for the card and doubles any ability effects that add to the corresponding Bakugan's Power level.

•Double Battle: Forces both players to add an additional Bakugan.

•Final Judgement: The Bakugan with a different attribute than the Gate Card's user automatically has their power reduced to zero.

•Level Down: Subtracts 100 Gs from the opponent if it has 400 Gs or more.

•Quicksand Freeze (Frozen Quicksand): The Bakugan that wins on this Gate Card remains on it without being removed.

•Wall Lock: Nullifies the opponent's ability.

•Warp Gate: Teleports two Bakugan from one Gate card to another.

•Subterra Reactor: Adds 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, and 500 Gs to all Bakugan on the Gate Card with the attribute you said.

•Change Link Force: Reflects the opponent's ability.

•Devour (Attribute): Drops the power level of every bakugan of the attribute you call out to 0 Gs.

•Forcement Enemy: Adds 100 Gs to all of your Bakugan for each of  your opponent's Bakugan on the field.

•Land Pressure: Subtracts 200 Gs from each opponent and prevents them from moving.

•Enemy Down: Subtracts 300 Gs from each opponent.

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